Variables psicológicas relacionadas con el rendimiento deportivo y la satisfacción con la vida
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Este estudio propone la aplicación de un programa psicológico para entrenar aquellas variables psicológicas que influyen en el rendimiento deportivo y satisfacción con la vida en futbolistas, concretamente en las categorías inferiores como infantiles, cadetes y juveniles. Para ello, este programa realizará sesiones que trabajen en optimismo, autoestima/autoconfianza, control de estrés, atención/concentración y estrategias de afrontamiento. Participarán 12 equipos (6 experimental y 6 control) de la comunidad de Extremadura, formados cada uno de ellos por 20 jugadores aproximadamente, perteneciendo estos al sexo masculino y femenino. Se utilizó una metodología pretest-postest, para comprobar si tras realizar dicho programa, las puntuaciones obtenidas en los diferentes cuestionarios habían experimentado cambios significativos. Este programa comienza en Septiembre y acaba en Junio, por lo que su duración es de 9 meses, tiempo que dura una temporada en estas categorías. Se ha intentado integrar el trabajo psicológico con el trabajo técnico, táctico y físico que se realiza sobre los campos de entrenamiento, pues en el rendimiento todos estos influyen. Como resultado cabe esperar que este programa sea efectivo en el grupo experimental, de forma que la satisfacción con la vida y el rendimiento deportivo durante la temporada mejore.
[EN] This study proposes the application of a psychological program to train those psychological variables that influence sports performance and life satisfaction in footballers, specifically in the lower categories of children, cadets and young people. To this end, this program will conduct sessions that work on optimism, self esteem/confidence, stress management, attention/concentration and coping strategies. There will be 12 teams (6 experimental and 6 control) from the community of Extremadura, each formed by approximately 20 players, each belonging to the male and female sex. A pretest-postest methodology was used to check whether the scores obtained in the different questionnaires had undergone significant changes after the programme. This program starts in September and ends in June, so its duration is 9 months, time that lasts a season in these categories. Efforts have been made to integrate psychological work with the technical, tactical and physical work being done on the training camps, since all of these influence performance. As a result, this programme can be expected to be effective in the experimental group, so that satisfaction with life and performance during the season improves.
[EN] This study proposes the application of a psychological program to train those psychological variables that influence sports performance and life satisfaction in footballers, specifically in the lower categories of children, cadets and young people. To this end, this program will conduct sessions that work on optimism, self esteem/confidence, stress management, attention/concentration and coping strategies. There will be 12 teams (6 experimental and 6 control) from the community of Extremadura, each formed by approximately 20 players, each belonging to the male and female sex. A pretest-postest methodology was used to check whether the scores obtained in the different questionnaires had undergone significant changes after the programme. This program starts in September and ends in June, so its duration is 9 months, time that lasts a season in these categories. Efforts have been made to integrate psychological work with the technical, tactical and physical work being done on the training camps, since all of these influence performance. As a result, this programme can be expected to be effective in the experimental group, so that satisfaction with life and performance during the season improves.