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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Este Trabajo Fin de Máster se divide en dos bloques principales. En primer lugar,
llevaremos a cabo una tarea de indagación sobre la vida y obra, principalmente
cuentística, del escritor de nacionalidad uruguaya, Horacio Quiroga, y también
abordaremos la importancia del cuento moderno en la didáctica de la literatura. En
segundo lugar, expondremos un proyecto didáctico titulado Los cuentos que yo cuento,
en el que, a través del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP), se llevará a cabo una
propuesta didáctica dedicada al género narrativo a través de uno de sus mayores
exponentes: el cuento. Cabe destacar que el producto final que el alumnado deberá
realizar será un cuento de terror inspirado en los publicados por Quiroga.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Horacio Quiroga, género narrativo, cuento, literatura
hispanoamericana, Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos.
[EN]This master's thesis project is divided in two main parts. First of all, we will carry out a task of inquiry about life and work, mainly storytelling, of the Uruguayan writer, Horacio Quiroga, and we will also approach the importance of the modern tale in the didactics of literature. Secondly, we will present a didactic project titled Los cuentos que yo cuento, in which, through Project Based Learning (PBL), a didactic proposal dedicated to the narrative genre will be carried out through one of its greatest exponents: the tale. It should be noted that the final product that students must complete will be a horror story inspired by those published by Quiroga. KEY WORD: Horacio Quiroga, narrative genre, tale, Spanish-American literature, Project Based Learning.
[EN]This master's thesis project is divided in two main parts. First of all, we will carry out a task of inquiry about life and work, mainly storytelling, of the Uruguayan writer, Horacio Quiroga, and we will also approach the importance of the modern tale in the didactics of literature. Secondly, we will present a didactic project titled Los cuentos que yo cuento, in which, through Project Based Learning (PBL), a didactic proposal dedicated to the narrative genre will be carried out through one of its greatest exponents: the tale. It should be noted that the final product that students must complete will be a horror story inspired by those published by Quiroga. KEY WORD: Horacio Quiroga, narrative genre, tale, Spanish-American literature, Project Based Learning.
Palabras clave
Lengua Castellana y Literatura