Sexualidad en personas mayores: Evidencias científicas y prácticas de salud pública. Una revisión teórica.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En la presente revisión bibliográfica se plantean tres objetivos: revisar los factores que influirían en la
expresión sexual de las personas mayores; analizar la presencia de la sexualidad y la salud sexual en los
documentos y en las webs oficiales que hacen referencia a la salud de las personas mayores; y analizar la
disparidad de resultados obtenidos en diferentes estudios sobre la actividad sexual de las personas mayores.
Se han analizado diferentes documentos y recursos webs seleccionados a partir de una búsqueda
bibliográfica exhaustiva. Se concluye que son múltiples los factores que pueden influir en la expresión
sexual; que son escasos los documentos y webs oficiales sobre salud en mayores que incluyen el ámbito de
la salud sexual; y que la mayor parte de los estudios realizados se han centrado un único tipo de actividad
sexual, por tanto, algunas de sus generalizaciones deberían tomarse con cautela.
The present bibliographical review tries to get three aims: to check the factors that would influence the sexual expression in older persons; to analyze the presence of the sexuality and sexual health in the documents and in the official webs that refer to the health of the older persons; and to analyze the disparity of results obtained in different studies on the older people sexual activity. Several documents and resources webs selected from an exhaustive bibliographical review have been analyzed. It is concluded that there are multiple factors that could influence the sexual expression; are scarce the documents and institutional webs about health in elderly people that consider the sexual health area; and the majority of studies about sexual activity in older people have been focused just on one only type of sexual activity, therefore some of the generalizations established from it, need to be take it cautiously.
The present bibliographical review tries to get three aims: to check the factors that would influence the sexual expression in older persons; to analyze the presence of the sexuality and sexual health in the documents and in the official webs that refer to the health of the older persons; and to analyze the disparity of results obtained in different studies on the older people sexual activity. Several documents and resources webs selected from an exhaustive bibliographical review have been analyzed. It is concluded that there are multiple factors that could influence the sexual expression; are scarce the documents and institutional webs about health in elderly people that consider the sexual health area; and the majority of studies about sexual activity in older people have been focused just on one only type of sexual activity, therefore some of the generalizations established from it, need to be take it cautiously.