Programa de Intervención en Inteligencia Emocional y Autocontrol conductual basado en acciones de mejora del rendimiento en alumnado con TDAH
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Los alumnos y alumnas con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH), presentan diversas conductas y rasgos característicos que les dificultan su desarrollo personal y social. Por ello, este trabajo fin de máster tiene como objetivo general elaborar un programa de intervención sobre la fortaleza de inteligencia emocional, enfocado dentro de esta hacía el autocontrol conductual y basado en acciones para mejorar el rendimiento académico, dirigido a niños y niñas con TDAH. Para comprobar la eficacia de la intervención, se llevará a cabo un pre y post test, así como dos sesiones de repaso. Siendo los estudios en relación a este tema escasos, tras la intervención se esperan unos resultados positivos, ayudando a mejorar los aspectos claves para el desarrollo del alumnado.
[EN] Students with Attention Deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have different behaviors and traits that hinder them to their personal and social development. For this reason, this master thesis general objective is to develop a programme of intervention on the strength of emotional intelligence focused within this behavioural self-control was based on actions to improve academic performance, aimed at boys and girls lwith ADHD. To verify the effectiveness of intervention, will take place a pre and post test, as well as two,eoqiew sessions. Beiug limited studies in relation to this subject, after the intervention we can expect positive results, helping to improve the key aspects for the development of the students.
[EN] Students with Attention Deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have different behaviors and traits that hinder them to their personal and social development. For this reason, this master thesis general objective is to develop a programme of intervention on the strength of emotional intelligence focused within this behavioural self-control was based on actions to improve academic performance, aimed at boys and girls lwith ADHD. To verify the effectiveness of intervention, will take place a pre and post test, as well as two,eoqiew sessions. Beiug limited studies in relation to this subject, after the intervention we can expect positive results, helping to improve the key aspects for the development of the students.
Palabras clave
Psicología Positiva