Estrés y satisfacción laboral: Análisis del papel moderador del apoyo familiar
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
"El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar de forma independiente el papel moderador que los tipos de apoyo familiar (emocional e instrumental) ejercen en la relación directa que mantienen estrés laboral y satisfacción laboral. Para ello, se llevó a cabo un análisis de regresión lineal múltiple jerárquica con una muestra de 300 trabajadores de distintos sectores, la mayoría pertenecientes a la provincia de Jaén. Los resultados mostraros que solo el apoyo instrumental familiar ejerció tal papel, de forma que, ante bajos niveles de estrés laboral, las personas con altos niveles de apoyo instrumental experimentaron mayores niveles de satisfacción laboral que aquellas personas con bajo apoyo instrumental; siendo su efecto nulo frente a niveles elevados de estrés."
"The present work aims to analyze independently the moderating role that the types of family support (emotional and instrumental) exert in the direct relationship that maintain occupational stress and job satisfaction. For this, a hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis was carried out with a sample of 300 workers from different sectors, most of them from the province of Jaén. The results showed that only family instrumental support played such a role, so that, with low levels of occupational stress, people with high levels of instrumental support experienced higher levels of job satisfaction than those with low instrumental support; being its null effect against high levels of stress."
"The present work aims to analyze independently the moderating role that the types of family support (emotional and instrumental) exert in the direct relationship that maintain occupational stress and job satisfaction. For this, a hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis was carried out with a sample of 300 workers from different sectors, most of them from the province of Jaén. The results showed that only family instrumental support played such a role, so that, with low levels of occupational stress, people with high levels of instrumental support experienced higher levels of job satisfaction than those with low instrumental support; being its null effect against high levels of stress."