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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
El objetivo de este estudio fue doble. Por un lado, comprobar el efecto de facilitación que se produce en el aprendizaje de una clave preexpuesta tras un tratamiento de interferencia, el cambio de significado de un inhibidor latente. Esto proporcionaría apoyo a la perspectiva comparada al explorar la generalidad de este efecto. Para ello se presentará una clave sin ir seguida de la consecuencia, posteriormente se hará lo mismo con una clave diferente que en la siguiente fase si irá seguida de la consecuencia para el grupo experimental (IL), y una clave novedosa será condicionada excitatoriamente en el grupo control (Cont). Por último, la primera clave preexpuesta se condicionará junto a la consecuencia. Se esperaba que como consecuencia del cambio de significado de la clave en el grupo IL se produjera un aumento de la atención posterior y una facilitación en el posterior aprendizaje de la clave preexpuesta cuando esta fuera seguida de la consecuencia.
The aim of this study was focused on two things. On the one hand, to check the effect of facilitation that is present in the learning of a pre-exposed cue after an interference treatment, the shift in meaning of a latent inhibitor. This would provide support to the comparative perspective while exploring the generality of this effect. For this, a cue will be presented with no subsequent consequence, later, the same will be done with a cue that will be followed by a consequence for the experimental group (IL), and a newer cue will be conditioned excitatively in the controlled group. Lastly, the first pre-exposed cue will be conditioned next to the consequence. It was to hope that as a consequence from the meaning of the cue in the IL group, an increase in the attention span after it and a facilitation in later learning of the meaning of the pre-exposed cue followed by a consequence would be seen.
The aim of this study was focused on two things. On the one hand, to check the effect of facilitation that is present in the learning of a pre-exposed cue after an interference treatment, the shift in meaning of a latent inhibitor. This would provide support to the comparative perspective while exploring the generality of this effect. For this, a cue will be presented with no subsequent consequence, later, the same will be done with a cue that will be followed by a consequence for the experimental group (IL), and a newer cue will be conditioned excitatively in the controlled group. Lastly, the first pre-exposed cue will be conditioned next to the consequence. It was to hope that as a consequence from the meaning of the cue in the IL group, an increase in the attention span after it and a facilitation in later learning of the meaning of the pre-exposed cue followed by a consequence would be seen.