Hoy, juegos de ayer
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El juego es la manifestación más importante en la etapa infantil, su puesta en práctica favorece el desarrollo integral del niño. Su importancia como herramienta metodológica ha sido probada en numerosos trabajos del ámbito escolar, dondelos juegos populares y/o tradicionales reportan una importante conexión con la cultura y tradiciones.
El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una revisión de los juegos populares y tradicionales en la edad escolar, así como su uso en las clases de Educación Física en Educación Primaria, para posteriormente hacer una propuesta de intervención en el aula.
La metodología esta basada en una revisión documental de trabajos con objeto de estudio de juegos populares y tradicionales en la escuela, buscando en diferentes bases de datos, artículos y trabajos de investigación relevantes. Proponiéndose una Unidad Didáctica como ejemplo.
En conclusión, destacamos la importancia del juego en el desarrollo integral de los niños y su potencial didáctico.
[EN]The game is the most important manifestation in the child stage, it´s implementation favors the development of the child. It`s important as a methodological tool has been tested in numerous studies of school field, where popular and traditional games bring an important connection to the culture and traditions. The aim of this work is a review popular and traditional games at school age and their use in Physical Education classes in Primary education, to late rmake a proposal of intervention in the classroom. The methodology is bases on the documentary review of worker in order to study popular and traditional games at school, looking at different databases relevant articles and research works, proposing an Education Unit as an example. In conclusion, we emphasize the importance of play in the integral development by the children and their educational potential.
[EN]The game is the most important manifestation in the child stage, it´s implementation favors the development of the child. It`s important as a methodological tool has been tested in numerous studies of school field, where popular and traditional games bring an important connection to the culture and traditions. The aim of this work is a review popular and traditional games at school age and their use in Physical Education classes in Primary education, to late rmake a proposal of intervention in the classroom. The methodology is bases on the documentary review of worker in order to study popular and traditional games at school, looking at different databases relevant articles and research works, proposing an Education Unit as an example. In conclusion, we emphasize the importance of play in the integral development by the children and their educational potential.
Palabras clave
Educación física