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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente trabajo trata la evolución del recurso de amparo en su configuración desde
su incorporación al ordenamiento jurídico español hasta la transformación más relevante en su
naturaleza hasta la actualidad: desde una primera versión, en la que la lesión sufrida en
cualquiera de los derechos o libertades susceptibles de amparo suponía el eje sobre el cual
giraban los trámites de admisión; para sustituirlo, posteriormente, por una versión más
objetiva, desplazando a un segundo plano la lesión sufrida para atribuirle más importancia a
unos requisitos formales, que incluyen un elemento nuevo y desconocido para la sociedad del
momento, del cual dependerá en mayor medida la admisión de la demanda, dado el aumento
de discrecionalidad concedido por el legislador al Tribunal Constitucional. Esto responde a la
intención perseguida con la reforma legislativa 6/2007: el descenso de las demandas de
amparo buscando el desistimiento de los recurrentes, mermando sus posibilidades de
[EN] This work is talked about the evolution in the legal configuration of writ of protection, since its inclusion in spanish legal system until the most relevant transformation of its legal nature at the moment: in the first version, the tort of rights or liberties susceptible to being protect for writ of protection, it was enough for admission of the claim; later, the version turned objective, and the requirement of tort of rights or liberties was replaced for a group of formalities for getting the admission of the claim, wich includes a new and unknown requeriment for the society of the moment. This requisite is called special constitutional trascendence, and it decides the admission of the claim, because the legislator gave more discretionary’s power to the Constitutional Court. The reason was the purpose of law reform 6/2007: the reduction of protection’s claims with apellant’s desisting, for reduce the possibilities of prosper.
[EN] This work is talked about the evolution in the legal configuration of writ of protection, since its inclusion in spanish legal system until the most relevant transformation of its legal nature at the moment: in the first version, the tort of rights or liberties susceptible to being protect for writ of protection, it was enough for admission of the claim; later, the version turned objective, and the requirement of tort of rights or liberties was replaced for a group of formalities for getting the admission of the claim, wich includes a new and unknown requeriment for the society of the moment. This requisite is called special constitutional trascendence, and it decides the admission of the claim, because the legislator gave more discretionary’s power to the Constitutional Court. The reason was the purpose of law reform 6/2007: the reduction of protection’s claims with apellant’s desisting, for reduce the possibilities of prosper.