El curioso mundo de los animales invertebrados
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Este trabajo desarrolla un proyecto didáctico para trabajar los animales invertebrados en Educación Infantil. Dicho trabajo queda organizado en dos partes.
En la primera parte, podemos observar que se ha realizado una investigación acerca de la enseñanza de las Ciencias de la Naturaleza en Educación Infantil y, concretamente, de los animales invertebrados, además del método de trabajo que vamos a llevar a cabo para desarrollar este tema, siendo este el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos.
En la segunda parte, se desarrolla el proyecto en sí. Con él se pretende motivar y acercar a los niños y niñas de cinco años a los animales invertebrados. En él se desarrollan numerosas actividades, dentro y fuera del aula, para que el alumnado adquiera los suficientes conocimientos acerca de este tema.
This work develops a didactic project to work with invertebrate animals in Early Childhood Education. This work we can say that two parts are different. In the first part, we can see that research has been carried out on the teaching of Nature Sciences in Early Childhood Education and, specifically, on invertebrate animals, in addition to the method of work that we are going to carry out to develop this topic. , this being Project Based Learning. In the second part, the project itself is developed. The aim is to motivate and bring five-year-old boys and girls closer to invertebrate animals. In it numerous activities are carried out, inside and outside the classroom, so that students acquire sufficient knowledge about this topic.
This work develops a didactic project to work with invertebrate animals in Early Childhood Education. This work we can say that two parts are different. In the first part, we can see that research has been carried out on the teaching of Nature Sciences in Early Childhood Education and, specifically, on invertebrate animals, in addition to the method of work that we are going to carry out to develop this topic. , this being Project Based Learning. In the second part, the project itself is developed. The aim is to motivate and bring five-year-old boys and girls closer to invertebrate animals. In it numerous activities are carried out, inside and outside the classroom, so that students acquire sufficient knowledge about this topic.
Palabras clave
Aprender a Descubrir el Mundo a través de las Ciencias y de la Lengua