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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La Educación Ambiental es un tema que incumbe a toda la sociedad por sus repercusiones
sobre el mundo, y engloba a todo el planeta Tierra y a la supervivencia de las especies, ya que
es la sociedad la que se debe de encargar del cuidado de la misma.
En este trabajo conoceremos en primer lugar qué es la Educación Ambiental y como ha
sido su evolución desde la década de los 70 hasta la actualidad, fundamentándonos
anteriormente en trabajos científicos y en revistas de interés; también conoceremos su
implicación en los centros educativos y en la sociedad.
Después de situarla y de contrastar información, explicaré la propuesta didáctica llevada a
cabo en el segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil en la que situaremos a la Educación Ambiental
como el eje principal del aula, transmitiendo además de hábitos, valores esenciales para el
cuidado del entorno, ya que es fundamental introducirlos en los primeros años de vida debido
a que en esta etapa su curiosidad es inmensa y tendremos más oportunidades para desarrollar
unos buenos hábitos
Environmental Education is an issue that concerns the whole society because of its repercussions on the world, and encompasses the entire Earth planet and the survival of the species, since it is society that must be responsible for the care of it. In this work we will firstly know what Environmental Education is and how it has evolved from the 70s to the present, basing previously on scientific works and interest journals; we will also know their involvement in educational centers and in the society. After situating it and comparing information, I will explain the didactic proposal carried out in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education in which we will place Environmental Education as the main axis of the classroom, transmitting in addition to habits, essential values for the care of the environment, since it is essential to introduce them in the first years of life because at this stage their curiosity is immense and we will have more opportunities to develop good habits
Environmental Education is an issue that concerns the whole society because of its repercussions on the world, and encompasses the entire Earth planet and the survival of the species, since it is society that must be responsible for the care of it. In this work we will firstly know what Environmental Education is and how it has evolved from the 70s to the present, basing previously on scientific works and interest journals; we will also know their involvement in educational centers and in the society. After situating it and comparing information, I will explain the didactic proposal carried out in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education in which we will place Environmental Education as the main axis of the classroom, transmitting in addition to habits, essential values for the care of the environment, since it is essential to introduce them in the first years of life because at this stage their curiosity is immense and we will have more opportunities to develop good habits