Análisis microbiológico de alimentos vegetales
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Para llevar a cabo este estudio han sido escogidas 10 muestras de alimentos vegetales procedentes de distinto tipo de agricultura, de las cuales 5 eran procedentes de agricultura ecológica y las otras 5 de agricultura industrial o moderna. Estas muestras fueron preparadas y procesadas para sembrarse en distintos medios de cultivo selectivos sólidos, para realizar el recuento de unidades formadoras de colonias por gramo (UFC/g). Posteriormente las colonias bacterianas obtenidas fueron analizadas mediante la tinción de Gram, para poder clasificar las bacterias según el tipo de pared que poseen, y finalmente realizamos la prueba de la catalasa, para poder realizar una aproximación al género bacteriano del que se trataba. Realizamos todas estas pruebas para comprobar si existen diferencias en cuanto a la carga y diversidad bacteriana presente en estos alimentos en función de las técnicas agrícolas empleadas en su cultivo.
[EN] Ten vegetable food samples have been chosen from different techniques of agriculture, 5 of them carne from organic agriculture and the other 5 carne from modern agriculture, to carry out this research. These samples were prepared and processed for sowing in selective sol id culture medium to make the counting of the number of colony-forming units per gram. Afterwards, the bacteria! colonies isolated, were analyzed by Gram staining to classify them in terms of the kind of bacteria! cellular wall and finally, we have made the catalase test to approximate the bacteria! genus. Differences regarding the microbial load and diversity among these foods according to agricultura! techniques used in the cultivation have also been analyzed.
[EN] Ten vegetable food samples have been chosen from different techniques of agriculture, 5 of them carne from organic agriculture and the other 5 carne from modern agriculture, to carry out this research. These samples were prepared and processed for sowing in selective sol id culture medium to make the counting of the number of colony-forming units per gram. Afterwards, the bacteria! colonies isolated, were analyzed by Gram staining to classify them in terms of the kind of bacteria! cellular wall and finally, we have made the catalase test to approximate the bacteria! genus. Differences regarding the microbial load and diversity among these foods according to agricultura! techniques used in the cultivation have also been analyzed.
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