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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente trabajo pretende cumplir una serie de objetivos como formarme como una
buena futura docente y comprender al alumnado, sus motivaciones y necesidades, y
conseguir enriquecer su aprendizaje de una forma innovadora, donde el alumno sea el
principal autor de todos sus logros. Se expone un análisis tanto de libros de texto
utilizados en los centros como del currículo actual vigente correspondiente a 2o de
Bachillerato. El tema a tratar es “Programación Lineal. Aplicaciones” que se desarrolla
basándonos en un tema de oposición. Se analizan diferentes metodologías empleadas
en la unidad didáctica posteriormente realizada. Se proponen actividades, la
temporalización de la unidad y la evaluación. Se pretende conseguir una implicación por
parte del alumnado, incentivar el trabajo en grupo, la toma de decisiones, así como
potenciar la creatividad y el pensamiento crítico. Para ello, se emplea el aprendizaje
cooperativo y los modelos de enseñanza por proyectos y por descubrimiento.
Palabras clave: Programación Lineal, restricciones, función objetivo, variables de
decisión, unidad didáctica, aprendizaje, metodología.
[EN]This work tries to fulfill a series of objectives such as training me as a good future teacher and understand the students, their motivations and needs, and get enrich their learning in an innovative way, where the student is the main author of all their achievements. An analysis of both textbooks currently used in the schools and the current curriculum corresponding to the second year of high school is analyzed. The topic to be addressed is “Linear Programming. Applications” that is developed based on a public exam for high school teachers. Different methodologies are analyzed. Activities, temporalization of the unit and evaluation are proposed. It is intended to get the students involved, encourage group work, decision making, as well as enhance creativity and critical thinking. For this purpose, cooperative learning and teaching models by projects and by discovery are used. Keywords: Linear Programming, constraints, objective function, decision variables, teaching unit, learning, methodologies.
[EN]This work tries to fulfill a series of objectives such as training me as a good future teacher and understand the students, their motivations and needs, and get enrich their learning in an innovative way, where the student is the main author of all their achievements. An analysis of both textbooks currently used in the schools and the current curriculum corresponding to the second year of high school is analyzed. The topic to be addressed is “Linear Programming. Applications” that is developed based on a public exam for high school teachers. Different methodologies are analyzed. Activities, temporalization of the unit and evaluation are proposed. It is intended to get the students involved, encourage group work, decision making, as well as enhance creativity and critical thinking. For this purpose, cooperative learning and teaching models by projects and by discovery are used. Keywords: Linear Programming, constraints, objective function, decision variables, teaching unit, learning, methodologies.
Palabras clave