Análisis sobre la precariedad laboral.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La precariedad laboral siempre ha existido pero en estos últimos años es cuando este concepto ha recobrado más fuerza. La precariedad laboral es a grandes rasgos la ausencia de buenas condiciones laborales. Las causas de este fenómeno se deben en parte a las características del mercado de trabajo español, a la crisis vivida en el país desde 2008 y a las últimas reformas laborales llevadas a cabo. Además la precariedad incide de una manera más severa en los colectivos más débiles como son las mujeres, los jóvenes y los inmigrantes. Asimismo la salud también se puede verse resentida ante este fenómeno sin olvidar que la precariedad puede ser sinónimo de siniestralidad y de desigualdad. La precariedad laboral también se da en la Unión Europea, en mayor o menor medida.
[EN] Labor precariousness has always existed but in recent years when this concept has regained strength. Labor precariousness is a great trait the absence of good working conditions. The causes of this phenomenon are framed in the characteristics of the Spanish labor market, in the crisis experienced in the country since 2008 and in the last labor reforms carried out. In addition, precariousness affects more severely the weakest groups, such as women, young people and immigrants. Health can also be resentful to this phenomenon without forgetting that precariousness can be synonymous with accidents and inequality. Labor precariousness also occurs in the European Union, to a greater or lesser extent.
[EN] Labor precariousness has always existed but in recent years when this concept has regained strength. Labor precariousness is a great trait the absence of good working conditions. The causes of this phenomenon are framed in the characteristics of the Spanish labor market, in the crisis experienced in the country since 2008 and in the last labor reforms carried out. In addition, precariousness affects more severely the weakest groups, such as women, young people and immigrants. Health can also be resentful to this phenomenon without forgetting that precariousness can be synonymous with accidents and inequality. Labor precariousness also occurs in the European Union, to a greater or lesser extent.