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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]En el presente Trabajo Fin de Máster se desarrolla la Unidad Didáctica “Los Cambios”
destinada para alumnado de 4o E.S.O. de la asignatura de Física y Química.
Fundamentado en bibliografía especializada, el trabajo comienza con una reseña
histórica sobre la Química, para dar paso a discutir las concepciones del alumnado más
comunes sobre este tema. A continuación, se desarrolla la Unidad Didáctica en sí, donde
se describen los objetivos didácticos, contenidos conceptuales, procedimentales y
actitudinales, metodología, criterio de evaluación, recursos y actividades a desarrollar a
lo largo de la Unidad, todo ello para lograr aprendizajes significativos en el alumnado.
La investigación especializada en el ámbito de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje
de los contenidos relativos a la Química ponen de manifiesto la importancia de fomentar
el aprendizaje autónomo, el pensamiento crítico y reflexivo, así como la capacidad de
trabajo en equipo a través de metodologías adecuadas para maximizar la adquisición de
competencias. Así, en esta Unidad Didáctica se incluyen diferentes metodologías de
enseñanza encaminadas a posicionar al alumnado como protagonista en la construcción
de su conocimiento a través de estrategias basadas en flipped classroom, ABP y
aprendizaje colaborativo.
Reacciones químicas Física y Química Aprendizaje significativo
4o E.S.O. Unidad Didáctica Metodología
[EN]In the present Master's Thesis, a Didactic Unit for the subject of Physics and Chemistry of 4th E.S.O. focused on the topic devoted to the physical and chemical changes is developed and described. Based on specialized scientific literature, the work begins with a historical review on Chemistry, and subsequently proceed to discuss the most common student ́s conceptions related to the central topic of the Didactic Unit. The description of the developed Didactic Unit includes: didactic objectives, conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents, methodology, evaluation criteria, resources as well as a series of activities to be developed throughout the Unit, the main objective being to achieve a meaningful learning in students. Specialized research in the field of teaching-learning processes of the contents related to chemistry highlight the importance of promoting autonomous learning, critical and reflective thinking, as well as the ability to work as a team through appropriate methodologies to maximize the acquisition of skills. Thus, this Didactic Unit is underpinned in different teaching methodologies aimed at positioning students as protagonists in the construction of their own knowledge through strategies based on flipped classroom, PBL and collaborative learning, among others. KEYWORDS Chemical reactions Physics and Chemistry Significant learning 4th E.S.O. Didactic unit Methodology
[EN]In the present Master's Thesis, a Didactic Unit for the subject of Physics and Chemistry of 4th E.S.O. focused on the topic devoted to the physical and chemical changes is developed and described. Based on specialized scientific literature, the work begins with a historical review on Chemistry, and subsequently proceed to discuss the most common student ́s conceptions related to the central topic of the Didactic Unit. The description of the developed Didactic Unit includes: didactic objectives, conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents, methodology, evaluation criteria, resources as well as a series of activities to be developed throughout the Unit, the main objective being to achieve a meaningful learning in students. Specialized research in the field of teaching-learning processes of the contents related to chemistry highlight the importance of promoting autonomous learning, critical and reflective thinking, as well as the ability to work as a team through appropriate methodologies to maximize the acquisition of skills. Thus, this Didactic Unit is underpinned in different teaching methodologies aimed at positioning students as protagonists in the construction of their own knowledge through strategies based on flipped classroom, PBL and collaborative learning, among others. KEYWORDS Chemical reactions Physics and Chemistry Significant learning 4th E.S.O. Didactic unit Methodology
Palabras clave
Física y Química