Intervención individual o grupal de estimulación cognitiva en Alzheimer: Proyecto de Investigación.
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[ES]La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es una enfermedad degenerativa con una procedencia desconocida a día de hoy. No
existe una cura, pero si se pueden realizar distintas intervenciones para aliviar la vida de estas personas. Se utiliza la
terapia de estimulación cognitiva ya que es un enfoque con evidencia científica en población con EA. El objetivo de
este proyecto es distinguir qué tipo de formato de estimulación cognitiva es más efectivo (individual o grupal) a nivel
cognitivo, funcional y conductual. Un total de 30 pacientes se distribuirán, de forma aleatoria, en cada uno de los tres
grupos existentes (individual, grupal y control). El resultado esperado después de la intervención es un resultado
significativo del grupo individual con respecto al grupo control y grupal en post-intervención en el nivel cognitivo,
funcional y conductual. En otros estudios anteriormente realizados, el formato individual obtiene mejores resultados.
[EN]Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a degenerative disease with an unknown origin up until now. There is no cure, but different modifications can be made to alleviate the life of these people. Cognitive stimulation therapy is used since it is an approach with scientific evidence in a population with AD. The purpose of this project is to distinguish which type of cognitive stimulation format is most effective (individual or group) in a cognitive, functional and behavioral level. A total of 30 patients are randomly distributed in each of the three affected groups (individual, group, and control). The expected result after the intervention is a significant result of the individual group concerning the control and general group and in a post-intervention group at the cognitive, functional and behavioral level. In other previous studies, the individual format obtained better results.
[EN]Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a degenerative disease with an unknown origin up until now. There is no cure, but different modifications can be made to alleviate the life of these people. Cognitive stimulation therapy is used since it is an approach with scientific evidence in a population with AD. The purpose of this project is to distinguish which type of cognitive stimulation format is most effective (individual or group) in a cognitive, functional and behavioral level. A total of 30 patients are randomly distributed in each of the three affected groups (individual, group, and control). The expected result after the intervention is a significant result of the individual group concerning the control and general group and in a post-intervention group at the cognitive, functional and behavioral level. In other previous studies, the individual format obtained better results.