La energía y sus consecuencias en el medio ambiente aplicado en Educación Primaria
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Con este trabajo me gustaría lograr que el alumnado aprenda las diferentes fuentes de energía que utilizamos y a la vez tome conciencia de los beneficios de las energías renovables, las cuales son indispensables para contribuir a un medio más sostenible. El trabajo también se centra en inculcar un uso responsable de la energía en beneficio del medioambiente desde edades tempranas.
De la misma forma, me baso en ejemplos y situaciones cotidianas para facilitar al alumnado el aprendizaje del concepto de energía y su transformación. Acompañado de experimentos fáciles de comprender, utilización de vídeos y objetos ilustrativos que despierten el interés del alumnado, de este modo conseguimos descubrir la evolución que ha tenido la energía y el avance que ha supuesto para la humanidad.
Además, explicaré diversos aspectos teóricos sobre la energía, usos, características, tipologías, ventajas y desventajas, así como, su aplicación y el papel que desempeña en la actualidad.
With this work I would like to make students learn the different sources of energy that we use and at the same time become aware of the benefits of renewable energies, which are essential to contribute to a more sustainable environment. The work is also focused on instilling a responsible use of energy for the benefit of the environment from an early age. In the same way, I rely on everyday examples and situations to facilitate students learning the concept of energy and its transformation. Accompanied by easy-to-understand experiments, the use of videos and illustrative objects that arouse the interest of students, in this way we manage to discover the evolution that energy has had and the progress that it has meant for humanity. In addition, I will explain various theoretical aspects about energy, uses, characteristics, typologies, advantages and disadvantages, as well as its application and the role it play.
With this work I would like to make students learn the different sources of energy that we use and at the same time become aware of the benefits of renewable energies, which are essential to contribute to a more sustainable environment. The work is also focused on instilling a responsible use of energy for the benefit of the environment from an early age. In the same way, I rely on everyday examples and situations to facilitate students learning the concept of energy and its transformation. Accompanied by easy-to-understand experiments, the use of videos and illustrative objects that arouse the interest of students, in this way we manage to discover the evolution that energy has had and the progress that it has meant for humanity. In addition, I will explain various theoretical aspects about energy, uses, characteristics, typologies, advantages and disadvantages, as well as its application and the role it play.