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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Este Trabajo Fin de Mast er se centra en la importancia del uso de la literatura en la clase de lengua inglesa
mostrando cómo el uso de la literatura puede ser positivo para el desarrollo pedagógico del alumno. El
alumno aprende gramática y vocabulario y mejora las cuatro destrezas. Un recurso efectivo para acercar la
literatura a la clase de habla inglesa son los libros adaptados. La unidad didáctica de este Trabajo Fin de
Master muestra cómo un profesor puede enseñar literatura mediante la lectura de un libro adaptado y con
el desarrollo de diferentes actividades para romper la rutina diaria de la clase de habla inglesa.
[EN] This essay focu ses on the importance of the use of literature in the EFL cl assroom. lt shows how the use of literature can be positive for t he pedagogic development of the student. Not only does the student learn grammar and vocabulary, but the four skills are developed and improved. An efficient resource for bringing literature into the EFL cl assroom are the graded readers. In the section devoted to the Didactic Unit, we see an example of how a teacher can teach literature and how students can improve the four skills through reading a graded reader and doing different activities that motivate them to learn English.
[EN] This essay focu ses on the importance of the use of literature in the EFL cl assroom. lt shows how the use of literature can be positive for t he pedagogic development of the student. Not only does the student learn grammar and vocabulary, but the four skills are developed and improved. An efficient resource for bringing literature into the EFL cl assroom are the graded readers. In the section devoted to the Didactic Unit, we see an example of how a teacher can teach literature and how students can improve the four skills through reading a graded reader and doing different activities that motivate them to learn English.
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