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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Las halófitas han evolucionado para adaptarse a vivir en hábitats de condiciones extremas tales como la sequía, salinidad o altas temperaturas. Para poder sobrevivir en estas condiciones, han desarrollado una gran multitud de compuestos bioactivos útiles para su uso en medicina y alimentación. Debido al aumento de la población mundial y a una mayor demanda, las plantas halófitas pueden contribuir a aumentar la producción de estos compuestos bioactivos. En esta revisión bibliográfica se han seleccionado diez géneros pertenecientes a la Familia Amaranthaceae (4), Brassicaceae (1), Frankeniaceae (1), Juncaceae (1), Plumbaginaceae (1), Poaceae (1) y Tamaricaceae (1) debido a su alto contenido en metabolitos secundarios. Estas plantas tienen una gran variedad de aplicaciones (forraje, alimentación, cosmética, fines terapéuticos, farmacéuticos, industriales, y medicinal). Nos hemos centrado en sus aplicaciones nutracéuticas y sobre todo medicinales. Estos compuestos bioactivos destacan por sus propiedades antiinflamatorias, analgésicas, anticonceptivas, antimicrobianas, antioxidantes, cardioprotectoras, antihelmínticas, hipoglucemiantes, y neuroprotectoras.
[EN] Halophytes have evolved to adapt to living in habitats with extreme conditions such as drought, salinity or high temperatures. To survive in these conditions, many useful bioactive compounds have been developed for use in medicine and food. Due to the increase in the world population and increased demand, halophytic plants can contribute to increasing the production of these bioactive compounds. In this bibliographic review, ten genera belonging to the Family Amaranthaceae (4), Brassicaceae (1), Frankeniaceae (1), Juncaceae (1), Plumbaginaceae (1), Poaceae (1) and Tamaricaceae (1) have been selected due to their high content of secondary metabolites. These plants have a wide variety of applications (forage, food, cosmetics, fine therapeutics, pharmaceuticals, industrial and medicinal). We have focused on its nutraceutical and, above all, medicinal applications. These bioactive compounds stand out for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic, contraceptive, antimicrobial, antioxidant, cardioprotective, anthelmintic, hypoglycemic, and neuroprotective properties.
[EN] Halophytes have evolved to adapt to living in habitats with extreme conditions such as drought, salinity or high temperatures. To survive in these conditions, many useful bioactive compounds have been developed for use in medicine and food. Due to the increase in the world population and increased demand, halophytic plants can contribute to increasing the production of these bioactive compounds. In this bibliographic review, ten genera belonging to the Family Amaranthaceae (4), Brassicaceae (1), Frankeniaceae (1), Juncaceae (1), Plumbaginaceae (1), Poaceae (1) and Tamaricaceae (1) have been selected due to their high content of secondary metabolites. These plants have a wide variety of applications (forage, food, cosmetics, fine therapeutics, pharmaceuticals, industrial and medicinal). We have focused on its nutraceutical and, above all, medicinal applications. These bioactive compounds stand out for their anti-inflammatory, analgesic, contraceptive, antimicrobial, antioxidant, cardioprotective, anthelmintic, hypoglycemic, and neuroprotective properties.