Adaptaciones en la Enseñanza del Inglés a Alumnado con Necesidades Específicas
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Muñoz Chamorro, Elena
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En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se tratan varios temas de gran importancia.
Los principales y en los cuales nos centraremos son: la enseñanza del inglés como
lengua extranjera el área de Educación Primaria a través de la literatura y la inclusión del alumnado con necesidades educativas específicas en el aula a través
de adaptaciones literarias.
A continuación, el trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una programación
didáctica en inglés utilizando como herramienta la literatura para abordar las
diferentes necesidades específicas que pueden existir. Asimismo, en primer lugar se
examinarán las necesidades específicas en el aula y cómo poder abordarlas en el
área de inglés. Luego, podremos observar el transcurso del aprendizaje de un/a
alumno/a en la realización de proyectos y actividades adaptadas. Y finalmente se
evidenciará que cualquier alumno o alumna con necesidades específicas puede
tener unos resultados favorables con el uso de técnicas de repetición o de
herramientas visuales.
In this Final Degree Project, several topics of great importance are discussed. The main ones on which we will focus are: the teaching of English as a foreign language in the area of Primary Education through literature and the inclusion of students with special educational needs in the classroom through literary adaptations. Then, the objective of the work is to carry out a Didactic Unit in English using literature as a tool to address the different specific needs that may exist. Likewise, in the first place, the specific needs in the classroom will be examined and how they can be addressed in the area of English. Then, we will be able to observe the course of a student's learning in carrying out adapted projects and activities. Finally, it will be found out that any student with learning needs can have favorable results through the use of repetition techniques or visual tools.
In this Final Degree Project, several topics of great importance are discussed. The main ones on which we will focus are: the teaching of English as a foreign language in the area of Primary Education through literature and the inclusion of students with special educational needs in the classroom through literary adaptations. Then, the objective of the work is to carry out a Didactic Unit in English using literature as a tool to address the different specific needs that may exist. Likewise, in the first place, the specific needs in the classroom will be examined and how they can be addressed in the area of English. Then, we will be able to observe the course of a student's learning in carrying out adapted projects and activities. Finally, it will be found out that any student with learning needs can have favorable results through the use of repetition techniques or visual tools.
Palabras clave
Lenguas Extranjeras; inglés