Proyecto de empresa de inserción social
Clemente-Reverte, Melina
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Desde el trabajo social se deben buscar alternativas para paliar las desventajas con las que se encuentran las personas, desde este trabajo nos centramos en el colectivo de menores infractores en situación o riesgo de exclusión.
Las alternativas deben ser eficaces y eficientes, ya que nos encontramos ante una mala situación laboral y un período de escasez en prestaciones. Debemos de ayudar a las personas mediante la enseñanza de técnicas y herramientas para aumentar la posibilidad de quedarse en el mercado laboral, y así facilitar su reinserción en la sociedad. Este trabajo se trata de una revisión bibliográfica para la realización de un proyecto de empresa de inserción dirigida a menores infractores.
Primero mostraremos las normativas vigentes y por las cuál se regulan las empresas de inserción social en España, más concretamente en Andalucía. Finalmente se explican los pasos que hay que seguir para finalmente poder constituirla. También hablamos de la situación del colectivo objeto de este proyecto.
[EN] Since social work must seek alternatives to overcome the disadvantages with which people are from this work we focus on the group of young offenders or at risk of exclusion. Alternatives should be effective and efficient, because we have a bad employment situation and a period of shortage in performance. We must help people by teaching techniques and tools to increase chances of staying in the labor market, and to facilitate their reintegration into society. This paper is a literature review for the conduct of an enterprise project aimed at insertion juvenile offenders. First show with regulations and by which social integration companies in Spain are regulated, specifically in Andalusia. Finally the steps to follow to finally establish it are explained. We also talked about the situation of the collective object of this project.
[EN] Since social work must seek alternatives to overcome the disadvantages with which people are from this work we focus on the group of young offenders or at risk of exclusion. Alternatives should be effective and efficient, because we have a bad employment situation and a period of shortage in performance. We must help people by teaching techniques and tools to increase chances of staying in the labor market, and to facilitate their reintegration into society. This paper is a literature review for the conduct of an enterprise project aimed at insertion juvenile offenders. First show with regulations and by which social integration companies in Spain are regulated, specifically in Andalusia. Finally the steps to follow to finally establish it are explained. We also talked about the situation of the collective object of this project.