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se analiza la política monetaria en España, sus objetivos e instrumentos y la
evolución del Banco de San Carlos hasta el actual Banco de España. El objetivo
del presente trabajo es profundizar en el estudio sobre el Banco Central, la
política monetaria y el control de la oferta monetaria, así como conocer la definición
de conceptos clave como Eurosistema, Sistema Europeo de Bancos Centrales y
Eurozona, entre otros que veremos a lo largo del trabajo. Se estudian sus funciones y
características, su evolución en el tiempo, así como sus implicaciones
The monetary politics is analyzed in Spain, his aims and instruments and the evolution of the Banco de San Carlos up to the current Bank of Spain. The aim of the present work is to penetrate into the study on the Central Bank, the monetary politics and the control of the monetary offer, as well as to know the definition of key concepts as Eurosystem, European System of Central Banks and the Eurozone, between others that we will see along the work. His functions and characteristics are studied, his evolution in the time, as well as his macroeconomic implications.
The monetary politics is analyzed in Spain, his aims and instruments and the evolution of the Banco de San Carlos up to the current Bank of Spain. The aim of the present work is to penetrate into the study on the Central Bank, the monetary politics and the control of the monetary offer, as well as to know the definition of key concepts as Eurosystem, European System of Central Banks and the Eurozone, between others that we will see along the work. His functions and characteristics are studied, his evolution in the time, as well as his macroeconomic implications.