Acercamiento y animación a la lectura mediante el álbum ilustrado en Educación Infantil
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este trabajo de Fin de Grado se muestra una propuesta didáctica de lectura a través de tres álbumes ilustrados, dirigida al segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil, concretamente al último curso, con la que se pretende acercar y animar al alumnado hacia la lectura literaria mediante actividades de comprensión y fluidez lectora. Esta propuesta estará sustentada por una fundamentación epistemológica, en la que se muestran conocimientos teóricos sobre la Literatura Infantil, la lectura literaria y la importancia de los álbumes ilustrados en Educación Infantil. Además, se presentará un análisis detallado de los tres álbumes trabajados en la propuesta, con el objetivo de valorar la calidad y el interés de los mismos.
In this Final Degree Project of Pre-school Education it is shown a reading educational design through three illustrated albums, it is focused on the second course. Its aim is to take the students interested to the reading by comprehension activities and reading fluency. This proposal will be supported by epistemological basis which exhibit theological knowledge about the Children’s Literature, literary texts and the importance of illustrated albums during the Pre-school Education. In addition, an analysis will be presented in the proposal as goal to improve the quality and the attention to them.
In this Final Degree Project of Pre-school Education it is shown a reading educational design through three illustrated albums, it is focused on the second course. Its aim is to take the students interested to the reading by comprehension activities and reading fluency. This proposal will be supported by epistemological basis which exhibit theological knowledge about the Children’s Literature, literary texts and the importance of illustrated albums during the Pre-school Education. In addition, an analysis will be presented in the proposal as goal to improve the quality and the attention to them.