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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] La idea principal del presente trabajo de fin de grado es analizar la importancia de los datos para las personas físicas y jurídicas y la evolución que ha supuesto, tanto a nivel legislativo como a nivel social, que por medio de la red ha dado origen a los llamados ciberderechos, a causa de la facilidad de movimiento y manipulación de nuestros datos por la misma. Por otra parte, ha sido fundamental el análisis comparativo de la regulación de la protección de datos, tanto a nivel español (Constitución y Leyes Orgánicas), como a nivel europeo (Reglamentos) pudiendo así destacar los puntos que unen ambas.
[EN] The main idea of the present TFG is to analyze the importance of the data for natural and legal persons and the evolution that has implied, both at the legislative level and at the social level, that through the network has given rise to the called cyber rights, because of the ease of movement and manipulation of our data by it. On the other hand, the comparative analysis of the regulation of data protection has been fundamental, both at the Spanish level (Constitution and Organic Laws), and at European level (Regulations), thus being able to highlight the points that unite both.
[EN] The main idea of the present TFG is to analyze the importance of the data for natural and legal persons and the evolution that has implied, both at the legislative level and at the social level, that through the network has given rise to the called cyber rights, because of the ease of movement and manipulation of our data by it. On the other hand, the comparative analysis of the regulation of data protection has been fundamental, both at the Spanish level (Constitution and Organic Laws), and at European level (Regulations), thus being able to highlight the points that unite both.