Preparando al alumnado de nivel A2 para el mundo laboral: La enseñanza del léxico de las profesiones en ELE
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) que se desarrolla a continuación tiene dos partes distintas, aunque conectadas y
dependientes. La primera es una fundamentación teórica en la que busco completar y llenar de significado una serie
de conceptos: la historia del español, su expansión, su influencia, las instituciones que velan por su cuidado y su
didáctica como lengua extranjera. Analizo además un determinado aspecto lingüístico: el léxico, concretando en el
léxico de las profesiones. Sobre este último concepto gira la segunda parte de este TFM, que es la producción de una
secuencia didáctica pensada para el alumnado de nivel A2 en el aprendizaje del español. Esta unidad didáctica, en la
que se desarrollan todos los aspectos correspondientes a una unidad didáctica: justificación, objetivos, contenidos,
etc., tendrá como objetivo el preparar al alumnado en un léxico que creo que puede ser tremendamente útil para su
futuro laboral. El objetivo general del TFM es la creación de una acción didáctica significativa basada en marco
teórico bien fundamentado que sea útil para el profesorado de ELE.
[EN] The Master’s Final Project developed below has two differents parts, although connected and dependent of each other. The first part is a theorical basis in which I want to complete and give meaning to some concepts: the history of Spanish language, it’s expansion, it’s influence, the institutions that care for it and it’s education as a foreign language. I also analise one determinated linguistic aspect: the vocabulary, specifically the vocabulary about professions. This last concept is adressed in the second part of this Master’s Final Project. This second part is a didactic unit created for students of an A2 level in learning the spanish language. This didactic unit, which has all the corresponding aspects in a didactic unit: justification, objectives, contents, etc., will have as a main objective to prepare our students with a useful vocabulary for their laboral future. The general objective of this Master’s Final Project is the creation of a significant didactic unit based on a fundamentated theorical framework that will be useful for ELE’s professors.
[EN] The Master’s Final Project developed below has two differents parts, although connected and dependent of each other. The first part is a theorical basis in which I want to complete and give meaning to some concepts: the history of Spanish language, it’s expansion, it’s influence, the institutions that care for it and it’s education as a foreign language. I also analise one determinated linguistic aspect: the vocabulary, specifically the vocabulary about professions. This last concept is adressed in the second part of this Master’s Final Project. This second part is a didactic unit created for students of an A2 level in learning the spanish language. This didactic unit, which has all the corresponding aspects in a didactic unit: justification, objectives, contents, etc., will have as a main objective to prepare our students with a useful vocabulary for their laboral future. The general objective of this Master’s Final Project is the creation of a significant didactic unit based on a fundamentated theorical framework that will be useful for ELE’s professors.