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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
La salud es un tema que preocupa por igual tanto al campo de la ciencia como a la sociedad en general. Son muchos los estudios que han permitido descubrir la relación entre cambios cerebrales y conducta, tanto factores genéticos como ambientales influyen en el curso de una enfermedad y la calidad de vida de quién la padece. Se ha descubierto que algunas técnicas de pranayama (ejercicios respiratorios), asanas (posturas) o meditación (toda una amplia gama), incluidos en la práctica de yoga, aumentan la metaconciencia, la capacidad cognitiva y retrasan el deterioro de algunas estructuras como el hipocampo y la amígdala. Además, puede influir en la regulación del sistema nervioso autónomo, la homeostasis o los niveles de neurotransmisores monaminérgicos, interviniendo en procesos como el sueño, la digestión y alteraciones afectivas o del comportamiento. El yoga se presenta a priori, como una herramienta accesible, adaptable y económica a tener en cuenta.
Health is an issue that concerns both the field of science and society in general. There are many studies that have revealed the relationship between brain changes and behavior, both genetic and environmental factors influence the course of a disease and the quality of life of those who suffer from it. Some techniques of pranayama (breathing exercises), asanas (postures) or meditation (a whole wide range), included in the practice of yoga, have been found to increase metaconsciousness, cognitive ability and delay the deterioration of some structures such as the hippocampus and the amygdala. Furthermore, it can influence the regulation of the autonomic nervous system, homeostasis or the levels of neurotransmitters monoaminergic, intervening in processes such as sleep, digestion and affective or behavioral changes. Yoga is presented a priori, as an accessible, adaptable and inexpensive tool to consider.
Health is an issue that concerns both the field of science and society in general. There are many studies that have revealed the relationship between brain changes and behavior, both genetic and environmental factors influence the course of a disease and the quality of life of those who suffer from it. Some techniques of pranayama (breathing exercises), asanas (postures) or meditation (a whole wide range), included in the practice of yoga, have been found to increase metaconsciousness, cognitive ability and delay the deterioration of some structures such as the hippocampus and the amygdala. Furthermore, it can influence the regulation of the autonomic nervous system, homeostasis or the levels of neurotransmitters monoaminergic, intervening in processes such as sleep, digestion and affective or behavioral changes. Yoga is presented a priori, as an accessible, adaptable and inexpensive tool to consider.
Palabras clave
Psicología aplicada en el ciclo vital y contextos educativos