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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este Trabajo Fin de Grado consiste en una investigación y una propuesta didáctica basada en la coeducación, cuáles son los estereotipos que se ven reflejados dentro del área de educación física, los factores que contribuyen a que se desarrollen dichos estereotipos, dentro y fuera del ámbito escolar y el uso de una metodología basada en la coeducación englobando los diferentes aspectos, como la perspectiva del profesorado, el lenguaje, etc. Realizaré una propuesta didáctica, centrada en el 3er ciclo, 6o de primaria donde desarrollaré una unidad didáctica con una serie de deportes asignados a lo largo de la historia a un género o a otro. Es importante integrar dichos deportes para todos y que obtengan unos beneficios eficaces para su desarrollo personal. Nos centraremos en romper estereotipos y prejuicios de la sociedad dentro del ámbito escolar, desarrollando una educación basada en la igualdad de género, respeto, tolerancia y compañerismo.
This Final Degree Project consists of an investigation and a didactic proposal based on coeducation, what are the stereotypes that are reflected within the physical education area, the factors that contribute to the development of such stereotypes, inside and outside the school environment and the use of a methodology based on coeducation encompassing different aspects, such as the perspective of teachers, language, etc. I will make a didactic proposal, focused on the 3rd cycle, 6th grade, where I will develop a didactic unit with a series of sports assigned throughout history to one genre or another. It is important to integrate these sports for everyone and to obtain effective benefits for their personal development. We will focus on breaking stereotypes and prejudices of society within the school environment, developing an education based on gender equality, respect, tolerance and companionship.
This Final Degree Project consists of an investigation and a didactic proposal based on coeducation, what are the stereotypes that are reflected within the physical education area, the factors that contribute to the development of such stereotypes, inside and outside the school environment and the use of a methodology based on coeducation encompassing different aspects, such as the perspective of teachers, language, etc. I will make a didactic proposal, focused on the 3rd cycle, 6th grade, where I will develop a didactic unit with a series of sports assigned throughout history to one genre or another. It is important to integrate these sports for everyone and to obtain effective benefits for their personal development. We will focus on breaking stereotypes and prejudices of society within the school environment, developing an education based on gender equality, respect, tolerance and companionship.
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