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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Durante la etapa escolar, los niños con Síndrome de Asperger (SA), alteración incluida dentro del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), son introducidos equívocamente dentro del alumnado con Altas Capacidades (AA.CC.) por sus similitudes compartidas. A pesar de ser posible la existencia de casos con Doble Excepcionalidad, niños que presentan simultáneamente AA.CC. y SA, es fundamental describir y diferenciar ambos perfiles con el objetivo de clarificar sus diagnósticos, lo cual facilitará la intervención psicoeducativa y familiar. En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, analizamos las definiciones, las características y los criterios diagnósticos de cada perfil para aclarar sus diferencias y similitudes y de esta forma, evitar problemas consecuentes de un tardío y erróneo
diagnóstico. Por último, describimos la importancia de una correcta identificación, los aspectos que conllevan a un solapamiento entre ambos y los problemas principales que surgen cuando no se hace adecuadamente. Estos aspectos conllevan una sinergia positiva entre el conocimiento del problema y una correcta actuación.
At school, children with Asperger's Syndrome (AS), included within Autism Spectrum Disorder, are frequently and mistakenly confused with High Abilities (HA) students due to the sharedsimilarities. Despite the existence of Double Exceptionally, cases who simultaneously present HA and AS, it is essential to describe and discriminate both profiles in order to facilitate their differential diagnosis, which will improve psychoeducational and family intervention. The aim of this dissertation is to analyse the definitions, characteristics and diagnostic criteria of each profile with the objective of avoiding problems derived from a late and erroneous diagnosis. Finally, it will be described the importance of a correct identification of these conditions, the aspects that lead to a possible overlap between them and which are the main problems that arise when this standard of practice fails. These aspects entail a positive synergy between the knowledge of the problem and correct practice in this field.
At school, children with Asperger's Syndrome (AS), included within Autism Spectrum Disorder, are frequently and mistakenly confused with High Abilities (HA) students due to the sharedsimilarities. Despite the existence of Double Exceptionally, cases who simultaneously present HA and AS, it is essential to describe and discriminate both profiles in order to facilitate their differential diagnosis, which will improve psychoeducational and family intervention. The aim of this dissertation is to analyse the definitions, characteristics and diagnostic criteria of each profile with the objective of avoiding problems derived from a late and erroneous diagnosis. Finally, it will be described the importance of a correct identification of these conditions, the aspects that lead to a possible overlap between them and which are the main problems that arise when this standard of practice fails. These aspects entail a positive synergy between the knowledge of the problem and correct practice in this field.