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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster, se divide en dos partes de acción. En primer lugar, se desarrolla una investigación sobre las últimas referencias bibliográficas que existen entre arte y ecología, así como distintas obras artísticas que utilizan el movimiento artístico Land Art o Ecoarte. En segundo lugar, el desarrollo de la creación de la propia obra artística, en la que Aurora Robson actúa como referente en mi trabajo. En esta práctica, se realizan cuatro pequeñas instalaciones de diferentes obras naturales creadas con residuos plásticos. El título de la obra es “tu conciencia, es mi vida”, con el fin de concienciar acerca de la destrucción del mundo natural mediante la acumulación de residuos contaminantes. Por último, la finalidad del trabajo es buscar una conciencia ecológica del espectador, para así llevar a cabo una apropiación de la creación artística.
[EN] This Master's thesis is divided into two parts. Firstly, research is carried out into the latest bibliographical references that exist between art and ecology, as well as different artistic works that use the Land Art or Eco-art movement. Secondly, the development of the creation of the artistic work itself, in which Aurora Robson acts as a reference in my work. In this practice, four small installations of different natural works created with plastic waste are made. The title of the work is "your conscience is my life", with the aim of raising awareness about the destruction of the natural world through the accumulation of polluting waste. Finally, the aim of the work is to seek an ecological conscience in the spectator, in order to make the artistic creation an appropriation.
[EN] This Master's thesis is divided into two parts. Firstly, research is carried out into the latest bibliographical references that exist between art and ecology, as well as different artistic works that use the Land Art or Eco-art movement. Secondly, the development of the creation of the artistic work itself, in which Aurora Robson acts as a reference in my work. In this practice, four small installations of different natural works created with plastic waste are made. The title of the work is "your conscience is my life", with the aim of raising awareness about the destruction of the natural world through the accumulation of polluting waste. Finally, the aim of the work is to seek an ecological conscience in the spectator, in order to make the artistic creation an appropriation.