Viviani-Vogas, Priscila
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El presente trabajo fin de máster tiene como objeto de estudio ocho ciudades de Pernambuco, Brasil, en la cual de sus estaciones meteorológicas fueron extraídos datos climatológicos desde 1980 hasta 2015 y tres cultivos tradicionales, base de la culinaria y alimentación de animales en esta región : yuca, maíz y frijoles. A partir de estos datos, fueron hechos los índices bioclimatológicos según el sistema de clasificación de Rivas-Martínez, 2011 y análisis estadística de la productividad de los cultivos. Después fueron creados mapas bioclimáticos con los índices de continentalidad (Ic), termicidad (It) y ombrotermico (Io). Como producto final, se realizó la producción de un mapa donde se pudiese ver donde los cultivos eran más eficientes para ser producidos.
[EN] This current final master thesis has under study eight cities in Pernambuco, Brazil, where their weather stations were extracted climatological data from 1980 to 2015 and three traditional crops, base of the cuisine and feeding of animals in this region: cassava, corn and beans. Based on these data, the bioclimatological indexes were made according to the Rivas-Martinez classification system, 2011 and statistical analysis of these crops productivity. Bioclimatic maps were then created with the indexes of continentality (Ic), thermicity (It) and ombrotermic (Io). As final product, was produced a map where you could see where the crops were more efficient to be produced.
[EN] This current final master thesis has under study eight cities in Pernambuco, Brazil, where their weather stations were extracted climatological data from 1980 to 2015 and three traditional crops, base of the cuisine and feeding of animals in this region: cassava, corn and beans. Based on these data, the bioclimatological indexes were made according to the Rivas-Martinez classification system, 2011 and statistical analysis of these crops productivity. Bioclimatic maps were then created with the indexes of continentality (Ic), thermicity (It) and ombrotermic (Io). As final product, was produced a map where you could see where the crops were more efficient to be produced.