Fomento y motivación por la lectura como aspecto fundamental en Educación Primaria
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(ES) Desde edades tempranas, es necesario que los niños sean capaces de comprender lo que leen,
para poder formarse y mejorar sus habilidades lingüísticas. Además, gracias a la lectura desarrollan su
autonomía y capacidad crítica. A través de la escuela, los alumnos podrán adquirir estas habilidades y,
por lo tanto, lograrán desenvolverse de forma adecuada en su vida cotidiana. Por esto, el tema escogido
a tratar en este Trabajo Fin Grado (TFG) es “Fomento y motivación por la lectura como aspecto
fundamental en Educación Primaria” como consecuencia de la importancia que adquiere la lectura y su
comprensión en esta etapa
(EN) From an early age, it is necessary for children to be able to understand what they read in order to train and improve their language skills. Furthermore, thanks to reading, they develop their autonomy and critical capacity. Through school, students will be able to purchase these skills and, therefore, they will manage to get on properly in their daily lives. This is why the chosen topic to deal with in this Final Degree Project (FDP) is “Encouragement and motivation for reading as a fundamental aspect in Primary Education” as a consequence of the importance that reading and its understanding acquire at this stage.
(EN) From an early age, it is necessary for children to be able to understand what they read in order to train and improve their language skills. Furthermore, thanks to reading, they develop their autonomy and critical capacity. Through school, students will be able to purchase these skills and, therefore, they will manage to get on properly in their daily lives. This is why the chosen topic to deal with in this Final Degree Project (FDP) is “Encouragement and motivation for reading as a fundamental aspect in Primary Education” as a consequence of the importance that reading and its understanding acquire at this stage.
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