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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)El presente trabajo Fin de Máster, titulado “La inclusión del alumnado con Síndrome de Asperger en
entornos educativos” ha surgido con el principal motivo de fomentar la inclusión del mismo en el aula a
través del diseño de una propuesta de intervención educativa. En tal sentido, se han tratado temas como la
ley de dependencia en relación con el objeto de estudio, la relación entre dependencia y discapacidad, así
como un análisis teórico sobre el Síndrome de Asperger, diferencias con el Trastorno del Espectro Autista,
características, causas, prevalencia, criterios de diagnóstico, comorbilidad con otros trastornos, evaluación,
instrumentos de detección, tratamiento, educación inclusiva, necesidades educativas, aspectos relacionados
con los contenidos curriculares, intervención educativa, y, por último, una guía para familiares y docentes.
Seguidamente, se ha elaborado una propuesta didáctica con el fin de mejorar la calidad del aprendizaje del
mismo a través de su inclusión. Finalmente, se destacan las conclusiones personales.
(EN)The present work Fin de Máster, entitled "The inclusion of students with Asperger’s Syndrome in educational environments" has emerged with the main reason of encouraging the inclusion of the same in the classroom through the design of a proposal of educational intervention. In this sense, issues such as the law of dependence in relation to the object of study, the relationship between dependence and disability, as well as a theoretical analysis on Asperger’s Syndrome, differences with Autism Spectrum Disorder, characteristics, causes, prevalence, diagnostic criteria, comorbidity with other disorders, evaluation, screening instruments, treatment, inclusive education, educational needs, aspects related to curriculum content, educational intervention, and, finally, a guide for family members and teachers. Then, a didactic proposal has been developed in order to improve the quality of its learning through its inclusion. Finally, the personal conclusions are highlighted.
(EN)The present work Fin de Máster, entitled "The inclusion of students with Asperger’s Syndrome in educational environments" has emerged with the main reason of encouraging the inclusion of the same in the classroom through the design of a proposal of educational intervention. In this sense, issues such as the law of dependence in relation to the object of study, the relationship between dependence and disability, as well as a theoretical analysis on Asperger’s Syndrome, differences with Autism Spectrum Disorder, characteristics, causes, prevalence, diagnostic criteria, comorbidity with other disorders, evaluation, screening instruments, treatment, inclusive education, educational needs, aspects related to curriculum content, educational intervention, and, finally, a guide for family members and teachers. Then, a didactic proposal has been developed in order to improve the quality of its learning through its inclusion. Finally, the personal conclusions are highlighted.