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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]La desigualdad existente entre hombres y mujeres en cuanto a las tareas relacionadas
con los cuidados nos lleva a plantearnos la necesidad de analizar con perspectiva de
género las consecuencias que tiene esta cuestión tanto en las personas cuidadoras
como en el mercado laboral. Sin olvidar las estrategias que se deberían tomar desde
las instituciones y desde la sociedad para paliar dichas desigualdades. El fin último de
este trabajo es que el alumnado del Ciclo Formativo de Grado Medio en Atención a
Personas en Situación de Dependencia conozca algunas de las razones por las que se
producen estas desigualdades y sus consecuencias, tanto directas como indirectas, y
puedan ser conscientes de las condiciones a las que se enfrentan en la futura
búsqueda de empleo a la que van a hacer frente cuando finalicen el ciclo formativo.
PALABRAS CLAVE: mercado laboral, cuidados, desigualdad, brecha salarial de género,
segregación ocupacional, consecuencias.
[EN]The existing inequality between men and women in terms of care tasks leads us to consider the need of analyzing with a gender perspective the consequences of this issue, both for carers and the labor market. As the strategies that should be taken from institutions and society to alleviate such inequalities. The ultimate aim of this work is tol et know to the Middle Grade Training Cycle in Care of Persons in Unit pupils some of the reasons of these inequalities and their consequences, both direct and indirect, so they can be aware of the conditions they Will have to fase in the future job search once they finish the training cycle. KEY WORDS: labor market, care, inequality, gender wage gap, occupational segregation, consequences.
[EN]The existing inequality between men and women in terms of care tasks leads us to consider the need of analyzing with a gender perspective the consequences of this issue, both for carers and the labor market. As the strategies that should be taken from institutions and society to alleviate such inequalities. The ultimate aim of this work is tol et know to the Middle Grade Training Cycle in Care of Persons in Unit pupils some of the reasons of these inequalities and their consequences, both direct and indirect, so they can be aware of the conditions they Will have to fase in the future job search once they finish the training cycle. KEY WORDS: labor market, care, inequality, gender wage gap, occupational segregation, consequences.