Dibujo infantil en la etapa pre-esquemática: “La prehistoria”
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este trabajo, está dedicado al estudio y conocimiento del dibujo infantil a lo largo de la etapa preesquemática,
de los cuatro a los siete años. Su finalidad es dar a conocer el arte del dibujo como un
lenguaje enriquecido de significados, que nos pueden revelar los niños/as, llenos de riqueza y
complejidad, al cual no se le presta atención en la vida cotidiana y nos puede definir la personalidad y
su carácter.
Para llegar a estas conclusiones, el dibujo infantil se ha apoyado en estudios de autores y de etapas,
que han permitido argumentar y afianzar los objetivos planteados en el siguiente trabajo.
Los resultados obtenidos, nos sirven para saber la evolución del niño, la cual depende mucho de los
factores que lo rodeen así como su psicomotricidad y creatividad. Por lo tanto, cabe destacar, que las
etapas son solo una orientación en el transcurso del desarrollo de un niño/a.
The following work is dedicated to the study and knowledge of children’s drawing along the preschematic phase, since the age of four to age of seven. Its aim is to present art as an enriched meaning language, which can reveal children, full of richness and complexity, something in what we don´t usually pay attention in our daily life and it can define clearly children’s personality and character. In order to achieve these conclusions, children’s drawing has relied on author and stage studies, which have let us argue and strengthen the objects of the following work. The results obtained from this project have helped us to know the child evolution, which highly depends on the factors around as well as his psychomotricity and creativity. Therefore, it is important to say that stages are only an orientation over the child’s development.
The following work is dedicated to the study and knowledge of children’s drawing along the preschematic phase, since the age of four to age of seven. Its aim is to present art as an enriched meaning language, which can reveal children, full of richness and complexity, something in what we don´t usually pay attention in our daily life and it can define clearly children’s personality and character. In order to achieve these conclusions, children’s drawing has relied on author and stage studies, which have let us argue and strengthen the objects of the following work. The results obtained from this project have helped us to know the child evolution, which highly depends on the factors around as well as his psychomotricity and creativity. Therefore, it is important to say that stages are only an orientation over the child’s development.