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El presente Trabajo de fin de Grado se basa en un proyecto de investigación de la realidad actual que se vive en el ámbito del internamiento terapéutico de menores infractores. El trabajo se centra concretamente en conocer el significado de menores infractores, las principales características que los envuelven, el marco jurídico que abala y regula a los menores infractores y por supuesto conocer de primera mano los tipos de internamiento que existen, centrándonos con más determinación en el internamiento terapéutico de menores. Para profundizar en este tipo de internamiento hemos llevado a cabo un marco teórico basado en la recopilación de datos sobre estudios, revistas, artículos y libros acerca del análisis de menores infractores. Además, se ha realizado una serie de cuestionarios a los trabajadores, usuarios y familiares del centro CIMI “Sierra Morena” (Córdoba) para conocer la importancia que tiene la intervención en estos menores, y las funciones que desempeñan los trabajadores en estos centros
This Final Degree Project is based on a research project of the current reality that exists in the field of therapeutic internment of minor offenders. The work focuses specifically on knowing the meaning of minor offenders, the main characteristics that surround them, the legal framework that supports and regulates minor offenders and of course knowing first-hand the types of internment that exist, focusing with more determination on therapeutic internment of minors. To delve into this type of internment, we have carried out a theoretical framework based on the collection of data on studies, magazines, articles and books about the analysis of minor offenders. In addition, a series of questionnaires have been carried out on the workers, users and relatives of the CIMI "Sierra Morena" center (Córdoba) to find out the importance of intervention in these minors, and the functions performed by workers in these centers
This Final Degree Project is based on a research project of the current reality that exists in the field of therapeutic internment of minor offenders. The work focuses specifically on knowing the meaning of minor offenders, the main characteristics that surround them, the legal framework that supports and regulates minor offenders and of course knowing first-hand the types of internment that exist, focusing with more determination on therapeutic internment of minors. To delve into this type of internment, we have carried out a theoretical framework based on the collection of data on studies, magazines, articles and books about the analysis of minor offenders. In addition, a series of questionnaires have been carried out on the workers, users and relatives of the CIMI "Sierra Morena" center (Córdoba) to find out the importance of intervention in these minors, and the functions performed by workers in these centers
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