Bodas de sangre: desde sus orígenes hasta nuestros días
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Este Trabajo Fin de Grado muestra un análisis de una de las obras más conocidas de
Lorca que forma parte de sus dramas rurales: Bodas de sangre. Para ello, se ha consultado la
vida del autor y su producción literaria, en concreto, su teatro. Partiendo de estos puntos, es
más factible analizar los aspectos relevantes de la tragedia: desde sus orígenes, pasando por
sus características (argumento, estructura, temas, personajes, tiempo, espacio, lenguaje, estilo,
recursos literarios y símbolos), hasta sus repercusiones en las demás artes. Un ejemplo de
cómo esta obra está presente en nuestros días es mediante un análisis comparativo con una
adaptación reciente: La novia, de 2015. Pero antes, es conveniente establecer las relaciones
intertextuales entre los dos medios, que son la literatura y el cine. A partir de aquí, se pueden
apreciar las semejanzas y las diferencias de ambas obras: la original y la cinematográfica
This Final Degree Project shows an analysis of one of Lorca's best-known works that is part of his rural dramas: Blood Wedding. For this, the author's life and his literary production, specifically, his theater, have been consulted. Starting from these points, it is more feasible to analyze the relevant aspects of the tragedy: from its origins, through its characteristics (plot, structure, themes, characters, time, space, language, style, literary resources and symbols), to its repercussions in the other arts. An example of how this work is present today is through a comparative with a recent adaptation: The bride, from 2015. But first, it is convenient to establish the intertextual relationships between the two media, which are literature and cinema. From here, the similarities and differences of both works can be appreciated: the original and the cinematographic.
This Final Degree Project shows an analysis of one of Lorca's best-known works that is part of his rural dramas: Blood Wedding. For this, the author's life and his literary production, specifically, his theater, have been consulted. Starting from these points, it is more feasible to analyze the relevant aspects of the tragedy: from its origins, through its characteristics (plot, structure, themes, characters, time, space, language, style, literary resources and symbols), to its repercussions in the other arts. An example of how this work is present today is through a comparative with a recent adaptation: The bride, from 2015. But first, it is convenient to establish the intertextual relationships between the two media, which are literature and cinema. From here, the similarities and differences of both works can be appreciated: the original and the cinematographic.
Palabras clave
Aplicaciones de la Filología Hispánica, Profundización disciplinar en Literatura Española