Caracterización de estrés por alta temperatura en plantas de Arabidopsis thaliana
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[ES] Las plantas se encuentran sometidas constantemente a cambios ambientales que afectan negativamente a su desarrollo óptimo, induciéndoles una situación de estrés. En el contexto del cambio climático, el estrés causado por las altas temperaturas ha adquirido especial interés. Distintos tipos de estreses abióticos son capaces de inducir la producción de especies de oxígeno reactivo (ROS), que pueden causar alteraciones en el funcionamiento de las biomoléculas del organismo llegando a producir daño celular. Sin embargo, las plantas poseen un amplio abanico de sistemas antioxidantes como estrategia de defensa frente a las ROS, como el enzima catalasa o el ciclo glutation-ascorbato. En este sentido, el equilibrio entre ROS y sistemas antioxidantes es fundamental para el control de la homeostasis redox celular y, por tanto, para la regulación de numerosos procesos biológicos.
En este trabajo, cultivos celulares de Arabidopsis thaliana fueron sometidos a unas condiciones de estrés por alta temperatura con objeto de analizar el efecto en la formación de ROS e inducción de estrés oxidativo. Paralelamente, se analizó la respuesta generada en algunos de los enzimas antioxidantes de la planta mediante ensayos espectrofotométricos, SDS-PAGE y Western-Blot.
Los cultivos sometidos a alta temperatura manifestaron un aumento en la producción de ROS y marcadores de estrés oxidativo. Además, se produjo una inhibición de los principales sistemas antioxidantes como son catalasa y el ciclo glutation-ascorbato. Sin embargo, no se observó variación en la actividad de los enzimas deshidrogenasas dependientes de NADP. Estos resultados sugieren que el estrés por alta temperatura desencadena un estado de estrés oxidativo producido por la inactivación de los sistemas antioxidantes y la consecuente acumulación de ROS y daño celular producido en la planta.
[EN]Plants are continuously exposed to environmental changes that negatively affect their proper development, causing a stress condition. In this context, heat stress has emerged as a crucial abiotic stress as consequence of climate change it is well established that different abiotic stresses can induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), affecting the function of different biomolecules and therefore causing cellular damages. Plants have a wide diversity of antioxidant systems as a defense strategy against this threat, such as catalase enzyme or glutathione-ascorbate cycle. In this sense, the balance between ROS and antioxidant systems is vital for maintaining the cellular homeostasis and therefore for the regulation of several biological processes. In this study, suspension-cell cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana were exposed to high temperature stress conditions, and their effects on ROS formation and oxidative stress induction were analyzed. In addition, the response of plant antioxidant systems was also analyzed by spectrophotometric techniques, SDS PAGE and Western-Blot. Cell cultures exposed to high temperature showed an increase in ROS production and oxidative stress markers. Furthermore, an inhibition of key antioxidant systems such as catalase and glutathione-ascorbate cycle was observed. In addition, no variation in NADP-dependent dehydrogenase enzymes activity was observed. These data suggest that high temperature stress triggers an oxidative stress mediated by the inactivation of the antioxidant systems and consequently ROS accumulation and cellular damage in plant.
[EN]Plants are continuously exposed to environmental changes that negatively affect their proper development, causing a stress condition. In this context, heat stress has emerged as a crucial abiotic stress as consequence of climate change it is well established that different abiotic stresses can induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), affecting the function of different biomolecules and therefore causing cellular damages. Plants have a wide diversity of antioxidant systems as a defense strategy against this threat, such as catalase enzyme or glutathione-ascorbate cycle. In this sense, the balance between ROS and antioxidant systems is vital for maintaining the cellular homeostasis and therefore for the regulation of several biological processes. In this study, suspension-cell cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana were exposed to high temperature stress conditions, and their effects on ROS formation and oxidative stress induction were analyzed. In addition, the response of plant antioxidant systems was also analyzed by spectrophotometric techniques, SDS PAGE and Western-Blot. Cell cultures exposed to high temperature showed an increase in ROS production and oxidative stress markers. Furthermore, an inhibition of key antioxidant systems such as catalase and glutathione-ascorbate cycle was observed. In addition, no variation in NADP-dependent dehydrogenase enzymes activity was observed. These data suggest that high temperature stress triggers an oxidative stress mediated by the inactivation of the antioxidant systems and consequently ROS accumulation and cellular damage in plant.
Palabras clave
Bioquímica y Biologia Molecular