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(ES) El Mesías es un elemento clave en la religión judía y cristiana, y cuyo estudio para entender a esta
figura la encontramos en el proceso de escatología del judaísmo y el cristianismo. Se analizará de tal
manera, las corrientes teológicas de las nuevas sectas judaicas del Segundo Templo , hasta la
cristología de Jesús consolidada por Pablo de Tarso .Por lo tanto se llevará a cabo una investigación
en el marco histórico, teniendo en cuenta los sincretismos e influencias con religiones de oriente , que
se desarrollaron tras la vuelta del cautiverio y cuyos elementos se mantendrán hasta el mesianismo
cristiano, con el fin de tener un claro concepto del mesías en el periodo abarcado
Se han encontrado semejanzas dentro de las figuras mesiánicas estudiadas en ambas religiones y a
la vez, diferencias destacables que terminaran desenlazando en la escisión del cristianismo y judaísmo
de manera permanente.
(EN) The Messiah is a key element in the Jewish and Christian religion, and the study of this figure can be found in the process of eschatology in Judaism and Christianity. In this way, the theological currents of the new Jewish sects of the Second Temple will be analysed, up to the Christology of Jesus consolidated by Paul of Tarsus, and therefore an investigation will be carried out within the historical framework, taking into account the syncretisms and influences with Eastern religions, which were developed after the return from captivity and whose elements will be maintained until Christian messianism, in order to have a clear concept of the messiah in the period covered. Similarities have been found within the messianic figures studied in both religions, and at the same time, notable differences that will end up leading to the split between Christianity and Judaism in a permanent way.
(EN) The Messiah is a key element in the Jewish and Christian religion, and the study of this figure can be found in the process of eschatology in Judaism and Christianity. In this way, the theological currents of the new Jewish sects of the Second Temple will be analysed, up to the Christology of Jesus consolidated by Paul of Tarsus, and therefore an investigation will be carried out within the historical framework, taking into account the syncretisms and influences with Eastern religions, which were developed after the return from captivity and whose elements will be maintained until Christian messianism, in order to have a clear concept of the messiah in the period covered. Similarities have been found within the messianic figures studied in both religions, and at the same time, notable differences that will end up leading to the split between Christianity and Judaism in a permanent way.