Tocando lo intangible: Tectónica de placas en el valle del Guadalquivir
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
(ES)En el presente trabajo pretende acercar contenidos abstractos y complejos como es la teoría de
tectónica de placas al alumnado de 4o de la ESO, mediante el empleo de su entorno más cercano como
es el transecto entre Sierra Morena frente a Sierra Mágina/Sur, proporcionándole de este modo una
forma más “tangible” de entender esta parte de la asignatura.
Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto se desarrollará una unidad didáctica basada en el empleo de
metodologías de indagación y búsqueda de información donde el alumnado construirá paso a paso los
contenidos hasta ponerlos en práctica mediante una visita a zonas cercanas de su ambiente donde
podrá identificar los elementos teóricos de la unidad. A lo largo de la unidad también se formará al
alumnado en la importancia de la Geología como una ciencia donde podemos hallar no solo el pasado,
sino también el futuro de la humanidad.
(EN)In the present work, it intends to bring abstract and complex contents such as the theory of plate tectonics to the students of 4th ESO, through the use of their closest environment such as the transect between Sierra Morena in front of Sierra Mágina / Sur, providing them with this way a more "tangible" way of understanding this part of the subject. To achieve the proposed objective, a didactic unit will be developed based on the use of inquiry and information search methodologies where the students will build the contents step by step until they are put into practice by visiting nearby areas of their environment where they can identify the theoretical elements. of the unit. Throughout the unit, students will also be trained in the importance of Geology as a science where we can find not only the past, but also the future of humanity.
(EN)In the present work, it intends to bring abstract and complex contents such as the theory of plate tectonics to the students of 4th ESO, through the use of their closest environment such as the transect between Sierra Morena in front of Sierra Mágina / Sur, providing them with this way a more "tangible" way of understanding this part of the subject. To achieve the proposed objective, a didactic unit will be developed based on the use of inquiry and information search methodologies where the students will build the contents step by step until they are put into practice by visiting nearby areas of their environment where they can identify the theoretical elements. of the unit. Throughout the unit, students will also be trained in the importance of Geology as a science where we can find not only the past, but also the future of humanity.