Proyecto de Investigación
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Martínez-Bodas, Debora
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El siguiente trabajo describe un proyecto de investigación. Tratamos de implementar un programa de intervención asistida con perros en un grupo de niños que han sido víctima de violencia para analizar si se cumplen los objetivos de adhesión al tratamiento, mejora del autoestima, disminución de la ansiedad y mejora de las habilidades sociales con lo que se buscaría una mejora de la calidad de vida general de los participantes. La muestra consiste en un grupo de menores de entre 6 y 17 años, ambos inclusive, que han sido víctimas de cualquier tipo de violencia independientemente de que ésta haya sido física, psicológica, sexual… La muestra es de 64 participantes en el que 32 recibirán el tratamiento convencional (grupo control) y los otros 32 formarán el grupo experimental. Este grupo recibirá un programa de terapia asistida con perros que tendrá una duración de 9 meses teniendo sesión una vez a la semana durante hora y media. Se trabajará en grupos de 8 menores. Dicho programa tendrá una evaluación inicial, evaluación durante el tratamiento, al finalizar el mismo y a los tres meses. Los profesionales que participarán del mismo son un psicólogo, una terapeuta ocupacional, un técnico en terapia asistida con perros y dos perros de terapia. Una vez concluido el estudio se pretenderán aportar datos válidos y fiables para la comunidad científica.
[EN] The following paper describes a research project. We aim to implement an assisted intervention programme with dogs in a group of children who have been victim of violence. The purpose of this programme is to analyse whether the objectives of treatment adherence, improvement of self-esteem, decreased anxiety and improvement of social skills are fulfilled, which would improve the quality of life of the participants. The sample of this programme consists of a group of children and teenagers between 6 and 17 years, both inclusive, who have been victims of any kind of violence, regardless of being physical, psychological, sexual, etc. The sample has 64 participants, with 32 receiving the conventional treatment (i.e. control group), and the remaining 32 being part of the experimental group. The latter group will receive an assisted program with dogs during 9 months and will have session once a week during one hour and a half. It will be worked in a group of 8 children. The program will have several evaluations: initial, during the treatment, at the end of the treatment and 3 months after the end of the treatment. The professionals participating in this program are a psychologist, an occupational therapist, a technician in assisted therapy with dogs and two therapy dogs. Once the study is finalised, it will be aimed to provide reliable and valid data for the scientific community that endorse this type of intervention.
[EN] The following paper describes a research project. We aim to implement an assisted intervention programme with dogs in a group of children who have been victim of violence. The purpose of this programme is to analyse whether the objectives of treatment adherence, improvement of self-esteem, decreased anxiety and improvement of social skills are fulfilled, which would improve the quality of life of the participants. The sample of this programme consists of a group of children and teenagers between 6 and 17 years, both inclusive, who have been victims of any kind of violence, regardless of being physical, psychological, sexual, etc. The sample has 64 participants, with 32 receiving the conventional treatment (i.e. control group), and the remaining 32 being part of the experimental group. The latter group will receive an assisted program with dogs during 9 months and will have session once a week during one hour and a half. It will be worked in a group of 8 children. The program will have several evaluations: initial, during the treatment, at the end of the treatment and 3 months after the end of the treatment. The professionals participating in this program are a psychologist, an occupational therapist, a technician in assisted therapy with dogs and two therapy dogs. Once the study is finalised, it will be aimed to provide reliable and valid data for the scientific community that endorse this type of intervention.