Uso de tabletas digitales en Educación Infantil. Estudio de caso.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado presenta un diseño de estudio de caso en el que se pretende analizar, desde un punto de vista actual, el uso de las tabletas digitales en educación, más concretamente en la etapa de Educación Infantil.
En nuestra realidad actual existen algunos centros que manejan las tabletas digitales en sus procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Sin embargo la otra parte de la comunidad educativa aún no se ha adentrado en este mundo, quizás por falta de formación.
Es por este motivo y por la influencia que tienen las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en la educación, por el que este proyecto se plantea estudiar, en un centro escolar, el por qué usar las tabletas en Educación Infantil, las ventajas que proporcionan así como los inconvenientes con respecto al uso de otros recursos tecnológicos o las habilidades que se mejoran en los alumnos para desarrollar sus conocimientos.
Este diseño de estudio de caso será llevado a cabo a través de dos técnicas de recogida de datos: una observación participante en un aula de Educación Infantil y una entrevista a un docente que trabaja con este recurso tecnológico en su aula.
This Final Degree Work presents a case study design in which one tries to analyze, from a point of view, the use of digital tablets in education, specifically in the kindergarten stage. In our current reality there are some centers that handle digital tablets in their teaching and learning. But the other part of the educational community has not yet ventured into this world, perhaps for lack of training. It is for this reason and the influence of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in education, why this project is to study in a school, why use the tablets in kindergarten, they are providing advantages and disadvantages regarding the use of other technological resources or improve skills in students to develop their knowledge. This case study design will be carried out through two techniques of data collection: participant observation in a classroom of Education and an interview with a teacher who works with this technological resource in your classroom.
This Final Degree Work presents a case study design in which one tries to analyze, from a point of view, the use of digital tablets in education, specifically in the kindergarten stage. In our current reality there are some centers that handle digital tablets in their teaching and learning. But the other part of the educational community has not yet ventured into this world, perhaps for lack of training. It is for this reason and the influence of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in education, why this project is to study in a school, why use the tablets in kindergarten, they are providing advantages and disadvantages regarding the use of other technological resources or improve skills in students to develop their knowledge. This case study design will be carried out through two techniques of data collection: participant observation in a classroom of Education and an interview with a teacher who works with this technological resource in your classroom.
Palabras clave
Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación