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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente trabajo que abordo trata del mayor campo de concentración y de
exterminio de la Alemania nazi entre los años 1940 y 1945, hablamos de Auschwitz,
una realidad que ocurrió en el corazón de Europa. Cuando hablamos de Auschwitz nos
vamos a encontrar con la supervivencia del día a día del prisionero, con la escasez de
alimento; el Holocausto en persona a través de las cámaras de gas y hornos
crematorios. Esta realidad ocurrió ante los ojos de millones de personas y debemos ser
conscientes que recordar el pasado es lograr avanzar en la sociedad. Auschwitz como
contenido no aparece en el currículum oficial, pero sí, a través de una de las
consecuencias de la 2o Guerra Mundial, como fue el Holocausto. A partir del análisis de
Auschwitz, se va a conocer el proceso del Holocausto. Por ello, en este trabajo
planteamos una propuesta didáctica sobre el análisis de un campo de concentración y
de exterminio nazi, para 4o de la ESO, en la materia de Geografía Historia, donde a
partir del aprendizaje significativo, se va a potenciar el sentido crítico-analítico y
reflexivo del alumnado, la recuperación del interés por la Memoria Histórica y la
consecución de una Educación en Valores.
Palabras clave: Holocausto/ Auschwitz/ Solución Final/Memoria Histórica/
Aprendizaje Significativo/ Educación en valores.
[EN]This academic paper that I a board will consist in the largest concentration camp and extermination of Nazi Germany between 1940 and 1945, we speak of Auschwitz, a reality that occurred in the heart of Europe. When we talk about Auschwitz, we will find the survival of the prisoner ́s daily life, with the shortage of food; the Holocaust in person through the gas chambers and crematoria. This reality occurred before the eyes of millions of people and we must be aware that remembering the past is achieving progress in society. Auschwitz as content does not appear in the official curriculum, but yes, through one of the consequences of the Second World War, as it was the Holocaust. From the analysis of Auschwitz, the process of the Holocaust will be Known. Therefore, in this academic paper we propose a didactic proposal on the analysis of a concentration camp and Nazi extermination, for 4th of ESO, in the area of geography and history, where from significant learning, it will enhance the critical-analytical and reflective sense of students, the recovery of interest in historical memory and the achievement of an education in values. Key words: Holocaust/ Auschwitz/ Final Solution/ Historical Memory/ Significant Learning/ Education in Values.
[EN]This academic paper that I a board will consist in the largest concentration camp and extermination of Nazi Germany between 1940 and 1945, we speak of Auschwitz, a reality that occurred in the heart of Europe. When we talk about Auschwitz, we will find the survival of the prisoner ́s daily life, with the shortage of food; the Holocaust in person through the gas chambers and crematoria. This reality occurred before the eyes of millions of people and we must be aware that remembering the past is achieving progress in society. Auschwitz as content does not appear in the official curriculum, but yes, through one of the consequences of the Second World War, as it was the Holocaust. From the analysis of Auschwitz, the process of the Holocaust will be Known. Therefore, in this academic paper we propose a didactic proposal on the analysis of a concentration camp and Nazi extermination, for 4th of ESO, in the area of geography and history, where from significant learning, it will enhance the critical-analytical and reflective sense of students, the recovery of interest in historical memory and the achievement of an education in values. Key words: Holocaust/ Auschwitz/ Final Solution/ Historical Memory/ Significant Learning/ Education in Values.
Palabras clave
Ciencias sociales, Geografía e Historia