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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]Mi trabajo de fin de máster está centrado en la literatura oral de Carchelejo, localidad
perteneciente a la Comarca de Sierra Mágina. En particular, he llevado a cabo una
recopilación del repertorio oral de dos informantes de esta procedencia, en el que
encontramos composiciones del romancero sobre milagros, apariciones y sobre el
nacimiento e infancia de Jesús. También se encuentran recogidos cantares sobre la
Navidad, amor y desamor, textos oralizados y de autor, sátiras, burlas, retratos de
acciones costumbristas, sobre las relaciones maritales, adivinanzas, cantares sobre
localidades, de Semana Santa y sobre sabiduría popular, que he transcrito, clasificado,
analizado y comparado con otras versiones.
Palabras clave
Sierra Mágina, tradición oral, literatura oral, romancero, cancionero, Carchelejo.
My master's thesis is focused on oral literature from the locality of Carchelejo belonging to the Sierra Mágina Region. I have carried out a compilation of the oral repertoire of two informants from this town. In the work done we can find compositions of the romance about miracles, apparitions, and about the birth and childhood of Jesus. There are also collected songs about Christmas, love and heartbreak, oralized and author texts, versions of literary texts, satires, teasing, portraits of customary actions, about marital relations, riddles, songs about locations, Easter, about texts oralized and author, songs learned from radio and records and popular wisdom that I have transcribed, classified, described, analyzed and compared to other versions. Key words Sierra Mágina, oral tradition, oral literature, romancero, song book, Carchelejo.
My master's thesis is focused on oral literature from the locality of Carchelejo belonging to the Sierra Mágina Region. I have carried out a compilation of the oral repertoire of two informants from this town. In the work done we can find compositions of the romance about miracles, apparitions, and about the birth and childhood of Jesus. There are also collected songs about Christmas, love and heartbreak, oralized and author texts, versions of literary texts, satires, teasing, portraits of customary actions, about marital relations, riddles, songs about locations, Easter, about texts oralized and author, songs learned from radio and records and popular wisdom that I have transcribed, classified, described, analyzed and compared to other versions. Key words Sierra Mágina, oral tradition, oral literature, romancero, song book, Carchelejo.
Palabras clave
Estudios literarios