La internacionalización de la empresa: El caso de Pevigu
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES]El presente trabajo expone un proyecto de internacionalización de la empresa
Pevigu en el sur de Portugal, dedicada a la comercialización de abonos y fitosanitarios, en la que la autora del mismo viene desarrollado su actividad laboral desde 2015. A partir de la información obtenida de la realización de entrevistas al propietario de la empresa, socios comerciales y clientes de esta y, asimismo, de la recabada de fuentes
secundarias, se analizan las posibilidades que se derivan de la implantación de una
sucursal en Portugal, como estrategia de ampliación y consolidación del negocio
familiar. El crecimiento de la producción olivarera en Alentejo, Portugal, el contar ya
con clientes habituales en la zona y, además, los contactos de Pevigu con Sovena, gran productor oleícola de Portugal, determina una serie de oportunidades que esta empresa
debe aprovechar, especialmente cuando el mercado tradicional de la misma, en la
comarca de Andújar, se ha reducido en los últimos años, debido a la crisis económica.
[EN]This work exposes an internationalization project of the company Pevigu, in the south of Portugal, this company sells phytosanitary and fertilizers and the author of this is working in this company since 2013. From the information gathered of the interview to the owner of the company, to business associate and customers of this and the secondary sources, I have analyzed the possibilities arising from the implementation of a commercial branch in Portugal, as a strategy of expansion and consolidation of this family business. The growth of olive production in Alentejo, with the current presence of customers in Portugal in addition Pevigu has trade relations with Sovena, this is an important olive producer of Portugal, It determines a number of opportunities that the company should take, especially when the traditional market of the same, in the region of Andujar has been reduced in recent years due to the economic crisis.
[EN]This work exposes an internationalization project of the company Pevigu, in the south of Portugal, this company sells phytosanitary and fertilizers and the author of this is working in this company since 2013. From the information gathered of the interview to the owner of the company, to business associate and customers of this and the secondary sources, I have analyzed the possibilities arising from the implementation of a commercial branch in Portugal, as a strategy of expansion and consolidation of this family business. The growth of olive production in Alentejo, with the current presence of customers in Portugal in addition Pevigu has trade relations with Sovena, this is an important olive producer of Portugal, It determines a number of opportunities that the company should take, especially when the traditional market of the same, in the region of Andujar has been reduced in recent years due to the economic crisis.