Análisis microbiológico de productos lácteos
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] Los quesos son un derivado de los productos lácteos de vaca, oveja y cabra constituyendo una parte muy importante en la dieta. La leche presenta un caldo de cultivo idóneo para el desarrollo de microorganismos y pueden producir intoxicaciones alimenticias y enfermedades.
El hábito de consumo de leche y derivados de productos lácteos se remonta al principio de la evolución, de ahí radica su importancia, siendo uno de los productos alimenticios más estudiados e importantes de todos los tiempos.
En este trabajo se pone de manifiesto la microbiota presente en diferentes muestras de queso. Para ello se determinó la carga microbiana de los microorganismos aislados de las diferentes muestras, en medios selectivos y no selectivos. Posteriormente se identificaron con tinción del Gram y la prueba de la catalasa. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los quesos realizados con leche de oveja tienen una mayor carga microbiana a los quesos hechos con leche de vaca.
[EN] Cheeses are a derivative of dairy products of cow, sheep and goat being a very important part of the diet. Milk presents a breeding ground suitable for the development of microorganisms and can cause food poisoning and diseases. The habit of consumption of milk and dairy products goes back to the beginning of evolution, hence its importance, being one of the most studied and important food products of all time. In this work, the microbiota present in different samples of cheese is revealed. To do this, the microbial load of the microorganisms isolated from the different samples was determined in selective and non-selective media. Subsequently, they were identified with Gram stain and catalase test. The results obtained show that cheeses made with sheep's milk have a higher microbial load to cheeses made with cow's milk.
[EN] Cheeses are a derivative of dairy products of cow, sheep and goat being a very important part of the diet. Milk presents a breeding ground suitable for the development of microorganisms and can cause food poisoning and diseases. The habit of consumption of milk and dairy products goes back to the beginning of evolution, hence its importance, being one of the most studied and important food products of all time. In this work, the microbiota present in different samples of cheese is revealed. To do this, the microbial load of the microorganisms isolated from the different samples was determined in selective and non-selective media. Subsequently, they were identified with Gram stain and catalase test. The results obtained show that cheeses made with sheep's milk have a higher microbial load to cheeses made with cow's milk.
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