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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Como consecuencia de la comisión de crímenes graves, fue necesaria la creación de un
Tribunal de justicia internacional permanente, que tuviese personalidad jurídica propia, para
conseguir judicializar y perseguir estos delitos y que no quedasen impunes. Con la finalidad de
conseguir la paz en el ámbito internacional, se creó la Corte Penal Internacional, que juzga a
todas aquellas personas acusadas de cometer tales delitos. De esta forma, se cumple una
importante labor que no puede ser realizada por los Estados. Puede afirmarse que en la
actualidad está muy presente en una serie de casos, entre ellos en el territorio de Libia, en el
contexto de la comisión de crímenes de lesa humanidad.
Because of the commission of serious crimes, it was necessary to create a permanent international court of justice, which had its own legal personality, in order to prosecute and pursue these crimes, and thus do not go unpunished. To achieve peace at international level, International Criminal Court was created, to judges all those accused of committing such crimes. In this way, it accomplishes an important task that cannot be realized by States. It can be said that it is currently very present in a series of cases, including in the territory of Libya, in the context of the commission of crimes against humanity.
Because of the commission of serious crimes, it was necessary to create a permanent international court of justice, which had its own legal personality, in order to prosecute and pursue these crimes, and thus do not go unpunished. To achieve peace at international level, International Criminal Court was created, to judges all those accused of committing such crimes. In this way, it accomplishes an important task that cannot be realized by States. It can be said that it is currently very present in a series of cases, including in the territory of Libya, in the context of the commission of crimes against humanity.