Carta de restaurante virtual mediante realidad aumentada AR
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[ES] Este trabajo fin de grado describe el diseño y el desarrollo de una aplicación de realidad aumentada (AR) orientada al sector de la restauración.
Cuando la aplicación detecte el menú y el mantel propio del restaurante, esta mostrará el contenido digital asociado a cada plato. El desarrollo de esta aplicación se ha conseguido combinando distintas plataformas de programación: Unity (para el diseño de la interfaz de usuario), SDK de Vuforia (para el diseño de marcadores y la implementación de los códigos de seguimiento en AR), C# (para la programación correspondiente a la aplicación) y la base de datos SQLite (para información propia del restaurante).
La aplicación de AR resultante permite que los consumidores puedan visualizar los productos incluidos en el menú, obtener información relativa a ingredientes incluidos en cada plato, pedirlos, y también incluye la opción de incluir comentarios, todo a través de una aplicación en su teléfono móvil.
[EN] The aim of this end-of-degree work deals with an innovative application of augmented reality (AR) technology to develope an application consumer-oriented within the restoration sector. Once both, the menu and the physical tablecloth of the restaurant are detected, the application display AR digital content associated with each dish. The design of the AR application was achieved combining different programming platforms: Unity video game engine (used for the design of the user interface), Vuforia SDK (utilized for both, the design of markers and for the implementation of tracking codes to augmented reality), C# language (utilized for application-related programming) and SQLite database (applied for the restaurant's own information). The resulting augmented reality application will allow the consumers to visualize the products included in the menu, get information of the ingredients, the size of the dishes, order them and also include comments through a mobile phone app.
[EN] The aim of this end-of-degree work deals with an innovative application of augmented reality (AR) technology to develope an application consumer-oriented within the restoration sector. Once both, the menu and the physical tablecloth of the restaurant are detected, the application display AR digital content associated with each dish. The design of the AR application was achieved combining different programming platforms: Unity video game engine (used for the design of the user interface), Vuforia SDK (utilized for both, the design of markers and for the implementation of tracking codes to augmented reality), C# language (utilized for application-related programming) and SQLite database (applied for the restaurant's own information). The resulting augmented reality application will allow the consumers to visualize the products included in the menu, get information of the ingredients, the size of the dishes, order them and also include comments through a mobile phone app.
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Señales y Sistemas