El Proceso de Sedimentación desde una perspectiva cíclica.
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es la elaboración de una Unidad Didáctica en la asignatura de Biología y Geología de 3ode
la ESO, con el objetivo de que los estudiantes adquieran una visión crítica de los procesos sedimentarios que
modelan el relieve a lo largo del tiempo. Para ello, partimos por definir términos como Meteorización, Erosión,
Transporte o Diagénesis, para posteriormente explicar el viaje que realiza el sedimento desde que es meteorizado de
su roca madre hasta que comienza a formar parte de una nueva roca, esta vez sedimentaria. La metodología del
trabajo cooperativo y la participación proactiva en clase toman especial relevancia en esta Unidad Didáctica,
teniendo los alumnos que indagar y descubrir conocimiento con ayuda de sus compañeros y mediante las
explicaciones del docente. Los contenidos de la unidad se completan con actividades prácticas para abordar
diferentes competencias y aspectos interdisciplinares.
[EN] The objective of this work is the elaboration of a Teaching Unit in the subject of Biology and Geology of 3oESO, with the aim of make the students acquire a critical vision of sedimentary processes that shape the relief over the time. To do this, we start by defining terms such as Weathering, Erosion, Transport or Diagenesis, to later explain the journey that the sediment makes since it is weathered from its parent rock until it forms part of a new rock, this time sedimentary. The methodology of cooperative work and proactive participation in class take special relevance in this Didactic Unit The student will have to investigate and discover knowledge with the help of their peers and through the explanations of the teacher. The contents of the unit are complemented by practical activities to address different competences and interdisciplinary aspects.
[EN] The objective of this work is the elaboration of a Teaching Unit in the subject of Biology and Geology of 3oESO, with the aim of make the students acquire a critical vision of sedimentary processes that shape the relief over the time. To do this, we start by defining terms such as Weathering, Erosion, Transport or Diagenesis, to later explain the journey that the sediment makes since it is weathered from its parent rock until it forms part of a new rock, this time sedimentary. The methodology of cooperative work and proactive participation in class take special relevance in this Didactic Unit The student will have to investigate and discover knowledge with the help of their peers and through the explanations of the teacher. The contents of the unit are complemented by practical activities to address different competences and interdisciplinary aspects.