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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
En este trabajo trataremos el bullying, ya que es un tema que preocupa a la comunidad escolar y a la sociedad en general. Muestra de este hecho, es el incremento de situaciones de este tipo que se dan en el área escolar y prueba de ello es el tratamiento que se le da a través de los medios de comunicación y artículos de prensa. Este fenómeno viene ocurriendo desde hace mucho tiempo pero nunca se le ha otorgado la importancia que conlleva ya que siempre ha sido protagonizado por comportamientos propios de la infancia.
En la actualidad, ha adquirido gran relevancia debido a la multitud de casos que se están dando, a la crueldad de dichos episodios y a los fatídicos resultados que estos conllevan.
Consideramos, por tanto, que las bases para la resolución de esta temática, deberán asentarse desde la etapa infantil promoviendo una educación basada en el aprendizaje de valores, conocimiento de las emociones y empatía así como haciéndoles conocedores de los problemas relacionados con el bullying para evitar la progresión de estos episodios en etapas superiores donde estos sucesos se encrudecen encarecidamente.
Con la unidad didáctica que presentamos en este trabajo, iniciamos a los infantes en el asentamiento de las bases antes descritas cuyo objetivo final será la prevención del bullying.
Dicha unidad la trabajaremos en el colegio El Castillo ubicado en el municipio de Bailén.
Palabras clave: Educación Infantil, Bullying, Educación en valores, emociones, cuentos, prevención, agresiones verbales y físicas, unidad didáctica.
Here in this project we will deal about bullying, a main concern for the school community and for the society in general. A proof of that is the increasing number of bullying events in the school environment and its relevance in mass media. This issue has been happening for a long time but it has never been considered of special interest since it was assumed to be inherent to the childhood. Nowadays, its awareness has increased significantly due to the increase of events, the severity of those events and its consequences. Therefore, we consider that the foundation for the solution must be consolidated in the childhood and it must consists on promoting an education based on value learning, emotion understanding and empathy, as well as making them aware of the issues related to bullying so 4 as to avoid the progression of these episodes in the future, where the severity of these events increases considerably. The teaching unit explained in this project aims to introduce the mentioned bases to the children in order to avoid the bullying. We will apply this teaching unit in the entry primary school El Castillo in Bailén (Jaén, Spain). Keywords: entry primary education, bullying, value learning, emotions, tales, prevention, physical and verbal abuse, teaching unit.
Here in this project we will deal about bullying, a main concern for the school community and for the society in general. A proof of that is the increasing number of bullying events in the school environment and its relevance in mass media. This issue has been happening for a long time but it has never been considered of special interest since it was assumed to be inherent to the childhood. Nowadays, its awareness has increased significantly due to the increase of events, the severity of those events and its consequences. Therefore, we consider that the foundation for the solution must be consolidated in the childhood and it must consists on promoting an education based on value learning, emotion understanding and empathy, as well as making them aware of the issues related to bullying so 4 as to avoid the progression of these episodes in the future, where the severity of these events increases considerably. The teaching unit explained in this project aims to introduce the mentioned bases to the children in order to avoid the bullying. We will apply this teaching unit in the entry primary school El Castillo in Bailén (Jaén, Spain). Keywords: entry primary education, bullying, value learning, emotions, tales, prevention, physical and verbal abuse, teaching unit.