Propuesta de estrategia de comunicación aumentativa para una alumna con parálisis cerebral espástica
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
Este trabajo pretende mostrar una estrategia aumentativa de comunicación (EAC) basada en gestos oro-faciales, de un caso en concreto, para fomentar la participación activa y eliminar barreras en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El presente trabajo muestra el caso de una niña que padece Parálisis Cerebral (PC) en forma de tetraparesia con componente espástico. Debido a este problema motor no puede expresarse de manera oral, sino mediante un sistema o estrategia comunicativa. El fomento de estas dependerá del Equipo Multidisciplinar y de la familia. El equipo docente debe plantearse como eje central de intervención en el aula, para intentar que la niña con PC desarrolle la intención comunicativa y la optimización de un lenguaje expresivo y comprensivo (Martín y Linanes, 2007, citado en Lucia, 2009). Dicha intervención atiende a las Necesidades Educativas Especiales (NEE), que en menor o mayor medida se encuentra en los colegios y, que tanto el centro como el profesorado deben saber cómo actuar.
This paper aims to show augmentative communication strategy (ACS) based on orofacial gestures, a particular case, to encourage active participation and erase barriers in the process of teaching and learning. This paper presents the case of a girl who suffers from Cerebral Palsy (CP) as tetraparesia with spastic component. Because of this motor problem she can’t express orally, but through systems and communication strategies. The fostering of these depend on the multidisciplinary team and family. The teaching staff should set as central intervention in the classroom, to try to get the girl with CP develop communicative intent and optimization of an expressive language and understanding (Martin and Linanes, 2007, quoted in Lucia, 2009). This intervention attends the Special Educational Needs (SEN), to a greater or lesser extent in schools so that both, the center and teachers should know how to act.
This paper aims to show augmentative communication strategy (ACS) based on orofacial gestures, a particular case, to encourage active participation and erase barriers in the process of teaching and learning. This paper presents the case of a girl who suffers from Cerebral Palsy (CP) as tetraparesia with spastic component. Because of this motor problem she can’t express orally, but through systems and communication strategies. The fostering of these depend on the multidisciplinary team and family. The teaching staff should set as central intervention in the classroom, to try to get the girl with CP develop communicative intent and optimization of an expressive language and understanding (Martin and Linanes, 2007, quoted in Lucia, 2009). This intervention attends the Special Educational Needs (SEN), to a greater or lesser extent in schools so that both, the center and teachers should know how to act.
Palabras clave
Educación especial