Composición y revisión del texto en el aula
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Jaén: Universidad de Jaén
[ES] El trabajo que abordaremos a continuación consiste en la creación de un taller de escritura, a través del cual podremos llevar a cabo una revisión y corrección, por medio de claves, de cada uno de los textos escritos por los alumnos de 3º de E.S.O. Lo que intentaremos es que el alumnado se sienta capaz de transmitir sus puntos de vista mediante el texto argumentativo. Este realizará un total de tres redacciones, con un período de 15 días entre cada una de ellas, para así, poder observar la evolución que lleva a cabo el alumno en lo que respecta a las normas ortográficas y a la manera de expresarse. Cada uno de los alumnos dispondrá de material y ayuda personalizada por parte de la profesora para la mejora de los aspectos mencionados anteriormente. Finalmente, se llevarán a cabo debates en los que participarán cada uno de los alumnos que hayan realizado los textos argumentativos, sin excluir, a cualquier otro alumno o profesor que desee participar en dichos debates. Estos debates se grabarán para después poderlos incluir en un blog que crearán los propios alumnos, en el cual podrán dar su opinión y posicionarse el resto de compañeros del colegio.
[EN] The following MA dissertation consists on a writing workshop, through which we will be able to carry out a review and correction, by means of keys, of each of the texts written by students of 3rd year of Compulsory Secondary Education. We will try the students to be able to show their points of view in argumentative texts. They will make three essays in a period of 15 days between each other, through these essays, the teacher can observe the evolution that the students have in relation to the spelling rules and how they express themselves. Each student will be provided with material and personal help from the teacher to improve the aspects mentioned above. Finally, there will be discussions to be attended by each of the students who have done argumentative texts, without excluding any other student or teacher who wishes to participate in these discussions. These discussions will be recorded to be included in a website that will be created by the students in which the rest of the students of the school can express their opinion and position themselves.
[EN] The following MA dissertation consists on a writing workshop, through which we will be able to carry out a review and correction, by means of keys, of each of the texts written by students of 3rd year of Compulsory Secondary Education. We will try the students to be able to show their points of view in argumentative texts. They will make three essays in a period of 15 days between each other, through these essays, the teacher can observe the evolution that the students have in relation to the spelling rules and how they express themselves. Each student will be provided with material and personal help from the teacher to improve the aspects mentioned above. Finally, there will be discussions to be attended by each of the students who have done argumentative texts, without excluding any other student or teacher who wishes to participate in these discussions. These discussions will be recorded to be included in a website that will be created by the students in which the rest of the students of the school can express their opinion and position themselves.
Palabras clave
Filología Hispánica